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    • 75 reacted to jall55's post in the thread THE PRETEND KEEPER with Like Like.
      Work parties well underway - had a couple of weeks on the machine knocking a few new rides in and hammering some of the bramble Corn...
    • 75 replied to the thread Muntjac buck encounter.
      Yep, definitely muntjac. And no dependent young. Perfect cull animal on that basis alone.
    • 75 reacted to kenbro's post in the thread Out last night. with Haha Haha.
      I know, I too was only joshing. I had to look Obtuse up! Always thought it was an angle 😱 Ken.
    • 75 replied to the thread Out last night..
      No insult - very tongue in cheek and I like the banter in this thread. It's all good natured and doesn't get bitchy like some of the...
    • 75 reacted to VSS's post in the thread Goldilocks Ha's with Haha Haha.
      I like your style! Presumably that would be 10 minutes in all directions?
    • 75 reacted to Utectok's post in the thread Goldilocks Ha's with Like Like.
      Il take 3000 acres of red stalking with some sika in woodland 3 miles of salmon river and a decent head of grouse and a couple of trout...
    • 75 replied to the thread Out last night..
      Jeez, you lot can be obtuse at times :lol:
    • 75 reacted to kenbro's post in the thread Out last night. with Haha Haha.
      🤔 What calibre is this laundry basket with a thermal on top? Ken.
    • 75 reacted to Nickb's post in the thread Out last night. with Like Like.
      #11 + 12 last night. Went out for the hen killer. Got set up in next field over from hens and fired up the Foxpro again with the trusty...
    • I think we all felt for Norman
    • 75 reacted to VSS's post in the thread Worth a watch as a reminder on fundamentals with Like Like.
      Everyone makes mistakes. Wise people learn, and avoid making the same mistake again. He was not wise. After missing the first deer at...
    • 75 replied to the thread Out last night..
      #10 for me last night - it's been on the camera the last few nights and gradually getting more sociable (started appearing at 3am...
    • 75 replied to the thread Smocks.
      I like my ridgeline smock (it’s the soft one not the downpour or whatever the crinkly one is called). It’s ace for pulling on over...
    • 75 reacted to Ronin's post in the thread Worth a watch as a reminder on fundamentals with Like Like.
      There’s a bit to unpack from the video As I said the primary reason for posting was to highlight the fact that even the most well...
    • 75 reacted to Sheamus's post in the thread Worth a watch as a reminder on fundamentals with Like Like.
      Those words "oh f*ck" the tone of panic in his voice speaks volumes. Followed by a shot of desperation. Classic example of not being...
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