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    • 75 replied to the thread THE PRETEND KEEPER.
      Seem to be a lot around this year. We had a nest in the attic and they were getting in through a hole under the tiles. They started to...
    • 75 replied to the thread Stealth Camera Choices.
      None of them are much good from a quality of image perspective if that's what they are after. The best I had in that regard was a cheap...
    • 75 reacted to WalkedUp's post in the thread A plan to stop my dog from chasing.... with Like Like.
      This thread has become a little dramatic, for a peaceful life I’m dropping out 🤐
    • 75 reacted to VSS's post in the thread Plastic larder shelving with Like Like.
      I have some. Sturdy plastic slatted shelves, and leg sections that clip in, so you can build it as high as you like. Very handy. If I...
    • Looking for some suggestions on plastic free-standing shelving to put in one side of my walk in chiller. I'd like to be able to store...
    • 75 replied to the thread Convince me....chillers....
      unless it’s a long, offset s-hook which passes through the pelvis and hooks the aitch bone. Sometimes simple is better.
    • 75 reacted to VSS's post in the thread Convince me....chillers... with Like Like.
      Chillers are like gun cabinets. Always buy a much bigger one than you think you'll need! You really don't want to be cramming carcasses...
    • 75 reacted to Blaser243's post in the thread Convince me....chillers... with Like Like.
      Thanks for the views so far. I've had a look at a few options in the last few days. A single Foster won't cut it - too small. A...
    • 75 reacted to @theroedeerguy's post in the thread Convince me....chillers... with Like Like.
      You would need the larger LU11000 Premium which would cope with 1 or 2 at that size, however if you are regularly shooting bigger bodied...
    • 75 reacted to Loler UK's post in the thread Lightweight stalking rifle with Like Like.
      So why would a 110gr 30 cal bullet leaving the barrel at 2900fps knock you around more than a 120gr 6.5 bullet doing 2900fps? The 6.5...
    • 75 reacted to sh1kar's post in the thread Best boots for £300? with Like Like.
      Avoid Meindl and Harkila
    • 75 replied to the thread Best boots for £300?.
      Membrane plus membrane will give you wet feet even when it’s dry! Each to their own, but your feet sweat a lot during the day and you’re...
    • 75 replied to the thread Best boots for £300?.
      Why do you want 2 lots of membrane in there? Gtx plus sealskinz is unnecessary.
    • 75 reacted to Ronin's post in the thread Best boots for £300? with Like Like.
      You could consider Salomon Tundra winter boots I’m on second pair - their warranty is good which is why I’m on second pair ,,, Very...
    • 75 replied to the thread Best boots for £300?.
      Whatever fits best. Sorry, can’t be more specific than that. Plenty of threads on here extolling the virtues of different brands but if...
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