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    • borbal replied to the thread Define a 1MOA rifle.
      If you are measuring the group size by the "extreme spread" method - that is, the distance between the two furthest shots from each...
    • borbal replied to the thread Define a 1MOA rifle.
      Define what you mean by "confidence" and you are in business!
    • borbal replied to the thread Define a 1MOA rifle.
      Statistically, you can never say never. And remember, a barrel only has a (very) finite lifetime and are you going to spend that...
    • borbal replied to the thread Define a 1MOA rifle.
      Aye, that's the rub. You have to define what you mean by a 1 MOA rifle. Here we are at 6 pages on this topic and we have not even got...
    • borbal replied to the thread p-max pressure.
      Yes.... but even the Hodgdon pressures are pretty frisky. Generally, internal ballistic models like this will do a much better job on...
    • borbal replied to the thread p-max pressure.
      So... what is the cartridge?
    • borbal replied to the thread Define a 1MOA rifle.
      This might help http://www.geoffrey-kolbe.com/articles/rimfire_accuracy/group_statistics.htm I do not have SSL encryption on the...
    • borbal replied to the thread Vihtavuori’s N150.
      Gardner's Guns near Carlisle had a good stock of Vit powders last time I looked.
    • borbal replied to the thread Loading .223 with H4895.
      My online internal ballistics simulator thinks it is a good powder for this application.
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