Heym SR20
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    • Hi Sealous and Heym SR20 many thanks for taking time to reply. I was in seeing Gregor this morning and he has none, nor Grahams...
    • I would be very surprised if you could find any 8x68s ammo in the UK for sale, let alone non toxic. Surely an overseas client bringing...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread 28gauge steel load.
      The manufacturers will be working on steel loads for 28 bores. 12s and 20s came first in 2 3/4” cartridges. Then came 2 1/2” loads for...
    • I think the black dot is missing the point. In my opinion, a much better thing to do is to find a rifle shooting discipline and compete...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Stags and fees.
      Personally I think probably by far the preferable is the day rate or total hunt rate as often seen on overseas hunting. You are...
    • Heym SR20 reacted to Mungo's post in the thread Shooting through a fence. with Like Like.
      Well… there’s the official answer and there’s what I’d actually do or tolerate when not ‘on the clock’… 😉
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Stags and fees.
      Under the Deer Act and the old Scottish Deer Commission, this is exactly what did happen. Deer Manangement Groups (land owners and...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Shooting through a fence..
      Given that most rifles will shoot ten bullets into a 1 inch group - bit more or a bit less, put a target behind a wire and you could hit...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Shooting through a fence..
      Ok lets add a level of stress to this discussion. There is £10, 000 licence/ trophy fee which is payable if you hit the animal...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Electric Bikes.
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Shooting through a fence..
      I would not suggest doing so. Is the centre of the kill zone really four to five inches below the wire? Like all of these sorts of...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Shooting through a fence..
      Bear in mind that forums such as this will be read by novices, DSC 1 is concerned with best practice then a fail in DSC 1 is the correct...
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Shooting through a fence..
      I was giving this whole topic some thought again whilst sitting up awaiting a Roe Buck to step out into a clearing. I would be shooting...
    • Just a thought. You only have the one K95. You are expecting twins. They will expect to inherit a K95 each.
    • Heym SR20 replied to the thread Stags and fees.
      From the estates perspective you are looking a return from the deer. A big old 14 point stag is many years old, and in many ways has...
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