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    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      why can Trump not suggest taking control over the whole area and setting a two state solution, instead of expelling millions of...
    • mt-hunting reacted to BenBhoy's post in the thread Israel with Like Like.
      And equally a "significant proportion" are people who simply made social media posts. Teenagers waving flags. There always had to be...
    • mt-hunting reacted to BenBhoy's post in the thread Israel with Like Like.
      Praying the ceasefire holds 🕊️❤️🌍 Waiting on Israel to release their prisoners tonight.
    • mt-hunting reacted to BenBhoy's post in the thread Israel with Like Like.
      @Apthorpe I think you've missed my point slightly..I wasn't particularly meaning the specific about chagos. More the dangers of allowing...
    • mt-hunting reacted to Basil H's post in the thread Israel with Like Like.
      I have seen this reported on both BBC and Sky this morning.
    • mt-hunting reacted to Andy Mauthe's post in the thread What’s better than a .270? with Like Like.
      It is a good one. The American makers have gotten on board with it and the other PRC offerings. I agree that the European makers seem...
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread What’s better than a .270?.
      7mm PRC sounds/reads like a good allrounder, waiting for the European rifle makers to adopt it, they are taking an age.
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      well done if you read the article - getting there slowly.
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      and by the way its no hidden secret of Israel funding for Hamas Israeli support for Hamas - Wikipedia.
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      you seem to pick and choose, select what your mind wants the truth to be, and deny the actual facts of history and what is happening on...
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      Ironically Hamas was created/funded as an alternative to PLO/PA by the Intelligence services - they didnt tag there line and vision so...
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      facts are facts, yours are opinions on points 1 to 8., Out of the 10,000 rockets/fireworks not aware of a single civilian that has been...
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      so basically it started with the Balfour declaration - to push out the indigenous people of an area to create a homeland for a people...
    • mt-hunting replied to the thread Israel.
      just a deep dark S.O.A.B - is exactly what he is Siege an area - 141 square miles, 365 square kilometers - called Gaza for years...
    • mt-hunting reacted to Bukshot's post in the thread Israel with Like Like.
      None of them represent Islam. I would know since I had a Jewish and Islamic upbringing. You don't know what the **** your talking about...
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