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    • SpikeD reacted to Triggermortis's post in the thread .303 with Like Like.
      I wouldn’t have the heart to sporterize this old girl, she’s survived the last 123years unmolested and I see no reason to start now...
    • Thanks Spike, coincidentally I was in Kranks last week buying an SMLE and they were unable to help. I’ve bought quite a few moulds from...
    • There's a good choice available for both, if you are budget conscious Lee do a range from 113grain to 220 grain for .308 or a 185 grain...
    • SpikeD reacted to Jeebs's post in the thread Bowel cancer…. with Like Like.
      Hello all, New here, but didn’t feel like the introduction was the place to discuss this. Part of what brought me to the forum and to...
    • SpikeD reacted to DavyG's post in the thread Trump .. 2 genders with Like Like.
      Trump a “moron”…? 2nd term as president of the most powerful nation in the world and a net worth of $7 billion. 🤔
    • SpikeD reacted to Laurie's post in the thread Magnum small pistol primers with Like Like.
      Viht's online 357 data now specify SPMs for the 357 Magnum, but its last printed reloading manual (No.2 published 1995) specified...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Wanted: .455 Webley brass.
      Lonsdales have some up for auction Lot 231 - 455 WEBEY 50 USED CASES BY M&S 12 PRIMED - Lonsdales Auctioneers - Specialist Firearms...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Gall stones??.
      I had the same, it was diagnosed as reflux but a few months later I ended up in casualty. It was major surgery and 5-600 stones were...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Correct powder weight.
      Yes I feel your pain here, I load for .318" Nitro Express and data for that is sparse. Your approach is a sensible way to solve the...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Correct powder weight.
      You always need to read what is being presented, the Lee is a generic 50 grain bullet, the data is not showing case, primer or what it...
    • SpikeD reacted to enfieldspares's post in the thread Deer legal .303 bullets with Like Like.
      Hello. All soft point .303 bullets will kill and kill dead. I had a friend who used one of the Parker Hale converted No4 rifles. The so...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Ballistech Ltd???.
      In the end I cancelled it, all of the items were showing as in stock and I did speak to someone but they didn’t seem to know how to...
    • SpikeD replied to the thread Ballistech Ltd???.
      I had a negative experience with them, the order was stuck on “pending “ after a few weeks and many attempts to contact them, I was told...
    • SpikeD reacted to csl's post in the thread eBay "Pardon our interruption" Link with Like Like.
      It's a bit of a bodge, but I have found if you edit it after it has been added and set unfurl to 'false' it won't use that horrid...
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