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    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Wanted: LARGE MUSTERLANDER.
      I’ve got 3 - latest is 4 months old. Lovely breed and do everything I want of them. One as a deer dog, one as a bird dog and the pup is...
    • stalker.308 reacted to eldon's post in the thread Quad winch with Like Like.
      Many years ago I was on a 4x4 challenge event. One of the top guys there had a Warn 8274 the same as me. However, he had a 150a...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Quad winch.
      I don’t know what it would take but it came with 50ft synthetic on it. I fitted it purely to help get the quad out of a sticky place or...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Quad winch.
      I put the the superwinch terra 25 on mine with dyneema rope on it. It just needed a plate to go within the recess on the Honda trx420. I...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Beam scales.
      I’ve got some brand new lyman beam scales still in box if of interest
    • Just don’t like the intro and there is little about his cooking that lots of folk on here would not match. When I go stalking I like to...
    • stalker.308 reacted to John Gryphon's post in the thread Calibre for this shot? with Like Like.
      yes even the boys take it out of you..a quick left and right barrel here and you have serious work.
    • stalker.308 reacted to Jon P's post in the thread King’s Speech with Like Like.
      Same as the Arabian Oryx being cites and other not- it is hopefully possible that any proposed legislation can be worked around with a...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread King’s Speech.
      Common sable (which is the one most people shoot) are not cites, it’s the royal sable which is cites thankfully
    • stalker.308 reacted to cjm1066's post in the thread King’s Speech with Like Like.
      They are planning for 5 years so will get the big items delivered first. The smaller items will be delivered as and when it they need...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread King’s Speech.
      The manifesto states the ban on trophy importation, but the video released by Steven Reed, environment minister, before the election...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Poor Pilot Whales.
      I speak from a place of understanding (and realism) and as a person who has massively benefited from studying at two universities. I...
    • stalker.308 replied to the thread Poor Pilot Whales.
      Gosh, imagine if lecturers at universities pedalled their own (non scientifically backed) agendas to thousands of students every year…..
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