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    • I've just got a Frankford Arms decapper and have used it on 9.3x62 without issue, it should take your cases.
    • Having travelled thru Heathrow countless times with rifles I have found the choke points are 1. Lack of knowledgeable check in staff...
    • You can probably cross Bristol off the list as KLM have started outsourcing their flights,Although we still have Easy Jet.
    • Apparently KLM are outsourcing flights from smaller airports to a subsidiary airline who do not carry firearms. I agree Newcastle are...
    • TonyC reacted to stevec's post in the thread Embargo of firearms from most UK airports with Like Like.
      I my experience, Newcastle are absolutely fantastic with firearms. Really helpful and knowledgeable. They staff told me that they deal...
    • TonyC reacted to scotch_egg's post in the thread WHY - with Like Like.
      Remove stem from die and knock the shoulders back. I’ve seen it done on the firing line 🤣
    • TonyC reacted to Rasputin's post in the thread WHY - with Like Like.
      I had a box of .270win that wouldn’t work in my r8 exactly as you described. The other ppu I bought at the time worked fine. They were...
    • TonyC replied to the thread WHY -.
      Managed to test fire second batch ok, there appears to be a difference in the shoulders between the batches but they work. I'll pull the...
    • TonyC reacted to takbok's post in the thread WHY - with Like Like.
      Sounds like the cartridges are out of spec (headspace) and not allowing bolt to engage enough for proper function. Return them to shop...
    • TonyC reacted to zambezi's post in the thread WHY - with Like Like.
      I have a Blaser R8 and only ever experienced the dreaded click during early ownership. In 100% of my experiences of this [on my rifle]...
    • TonyC replied to the thread WHY -.
      Gone back to look at the PPU cartridges and found they were two different batches (2 boxes and 3 boxes) and measured them Offending PPU...
    • TonyC posted the thread WHY - in Rifles & Calibres.
      Decided to begin a project in my R8 30-06 with some PPU 180 grain factory ammunition - bought 100 rounds and yesterday tried to see what...
    • TonyC reacted to sikamalc's post in the thread Another milestone with Like Like.
      I see the membership climbed past 33,000 today. When we first purchased the site it was about to collapse and had around 700 members...
    • Old wine bottle box? About the right size and won’t roll about. Put some padding in it.
    • TonyC reacted to Lateral's post in the thread Blaser scope ring fitting advice with Like Like.
      use a couple of allen keys, just inserted into the holes from the top. Press them together and the ring will open up. Try it a couple...
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