
  1. Sold: Brass 7mm08, 6.5 Creedmoor and 260 rem

    Various brass, 1st firing from factory unless stated otherwise, in boxes and or holder. All de-primed. 260 rem 80 pcs, federal boxed & plastic holders £60 50 pcs, nosler in plastic holders £40 6.5 cm (LRP) 77 pcs, Norma 2nd firing, annealed, in plastic strips of 10 £80 20 pcs Barnes...
  2. For Sale: Custom Rem700 260Rem

    Remington 700 action. 260Remingtom Truflite match barrel. MDT HSS Chassis and bottom metal which accepts AI single stack magazines. Heavy Action Lug (Dolphin Gun). The Truflite barrel has been screw cut for a moderator M18x1. The gunsmithing and barrel fitting was done by Dolphin gun. Magpul PRS...