1. Wanted: 338 Lapua Competition Shell Holder Set

    Looking for a 338 Lapua Competition Shell Holder Set if anyone has one to go Redding Competition Shell Holder Set #35 (338 Lapua Magnum Magnum, 416 Rigby) D
  2. Sold: .338 Ammo/LRF Pouch

    Multicam/MTP 338 pouch, I’m unsure of the brand but looks like an early WAS pouch without the label. It could’ve been made specifically as I acquired it from a mate after he got back from Iraq. It fits a vortex LRF perfectly but as I’ve just sold my LRF I thought I shift it on. £15 posted
  3. Sold: Brass annealer & WFT 6.5 creedmoor insert

    Having a rebuild on the reloading bench so these are up for sale. Just found an insert for WFT (worlds finest trimmer) in 6.5 creedmoor size. Unused - £10 posted. Lyman gen 6 powder scale - SOLD Brass annealer Uk made, runs off screw on camping gas cylinders. Very adjustable torch position to...
  4. For Sale: Hornady 338 Lapua Magnum dies

    Hornady Custom grade 2 die full length set for 338 lapua magnum. Brand new in box. I bought these but never used them. Looking for £75. Happy to post (£5) or collection in Lincs.