deer stalking wanted

  1. Wanted: Essex / Hertfordshire Stalking Wanted

    Hi all, i am looking for stalking / highseat outings around Essex / Hertfordshire please, looking to book something in for March if possible. Thanks in advance
  2. Wanted: Wanted, stalk in Surreyish

    Good day, I was let down at the last minute by a lovely chap due to illness last week. I usually go fallow hind shooting just for my freezers around this time. If anyone can a) supply me with a carcass or b) preferably, book me on a shoot. I have my own gear and, naturally, DSC1. A private...
  3. New member

    Hi my name is Craig I am 29 and been hunting since a child. I currently hold an FAC licence for 22 lr, 17hmr, a high capacity shotgun and i am currently awaiting a 243 calibre variation. I am living in Gloucester and would welcome any stalk days (paid,free or as a spectator) before my DSC1...