
  1. Sold: ferreting gear

    hi after 4 years of not using and 8 years of no ferrets im selling my gear 109 normal purse nets most heavy nylon 4 longer purse nets 2 short nylon without draw string or peg 2 ferret finder 3 4 trackers and collars spare collars and harnesses 2 ruck sacks all used, all working when put away...
  2. Introduction

    Hello everyone ! My name is Ben Peary. I love fieldsports and anything to do with the countryside.I don’t shoot personally anymore. I did when I lived in America but have since give up guns and got into dogs and ferrets . I have half a dozen ferrets and 3 lurchers I like to get out and work ...
  3. Ferreter from Cov intro

    Hi all, 56 from Cov. Casual Ferreter - weekend warrio haha. Looking for advice on a couple deben ferreting boxes that need fixing thanks all
  4. I'm new to this

    Hi, I'm from South Wales. I like ferreting and working my dogs