firearms licensing

  1. Open ticket license renewal in Scotland

    Hello people, I was chatting away to some young lads who worked on an estate and are also licenced firearms holders.....we were chatting about renewals and the lad said on your renewal you don't have to fill in the part about the land you're shooting on if you ticket is there any...
  2. Flying with a rifle to Germany for driven Boar

    I'm struggling to find a clear set of advice as to what is needed to fly with a rifle and ammo to Germany in 2023. Does anyone have any recent experience of the process? I already have a temporary Jagdshein 14 day pass and invitation for the shoot. Is this with my FAC enough? The shoot is...
  3. Firearms Licensing Improvements - Your views (and why / supporting argument)

    As my previous post is meandering off if' ;) Thought it might be useful to group, what is fast becoming a descent down a deep rabbit hole, on another thread! From a previous thread on a different topic! I submitted an initial seven-page document (Overview) to my local MP (He...
  4. New UK Firearms Safety Consultation

    This went live today.
  5. Vacancy: firearms licensing decision maker, lincolnshire

    I hope this link works. This is a chance for somebody with shooting at heart to make a real difference!