
  1. Sold: 6mm bullets for sale

    Hi there, selling some bullets that I got alongside a rifle but as I plan on hunting with it these are surplus to requirement. 180x 107Gr sierra matchkings £60 250x 90gr Lapua scenars £85 Might swap for some 6mm hunting bullets TGK, SST, sierra 85 GK etc.. Based North Shropshire. p&P to be...
  2. For Sale: Once Fired LAPUA 6.5mm Creedmoor Brass Small Rifle Primer

    I have 99 once fired Lapua 6.5mm Creedmoor brass - small rifle primer available, fully cleaned and shiny - ready to reload. £95 inc P&P
  3. Lapua .308 155g Scenar

    Evening, I was out on the range yesterday with a box of 50 scenars I bought. I can't believe how consistent they were for shop bought ammo. My original intention was to use them for the brass and possibly get in to home loading in the future. I think I'll struggle to get a better load for paper...
  4. Is the 6.5x47 Lapua suitable for Boar?

    Hi all, I have been lucky enough to be invited driven Boar shooting. My question to you is: Is the 6.5x47 Lapua man enough for the job? I have the perfect rifle and scope set up for it, but have my reservations on the calibre's capability on Wild Boar. I will be using Hornady 129grain...
  5. Why is 6.5x47 Lapua so expensive?

    Is there any reason why cases, dies, gauges etc for the 6.5x47 Lapua should be so expensive? It's not a proprietary cartridge, being CIP/SAAMI listed, so can any maker chamber it or produce reloading gear without paying royalties to Lapua? I just don't know why Lapua brass in 308 should cost...
  6. Only gone and ordered an AI.

    Well, my dad ordered and AICS for his rem 700 .308 from sporting services, long story short I went and picked it up for him this morning. And after spending a bit of time there chatting with Tom, have ended up ordering an accuracy international AE in 6.5x47 Lapua, with a 26" fluted barrel...