
  1. 3d printed moderator?

    I've got 5 free 22lr moderator slots on my FAC and I'd like to see if a light weight 3d printed mod would work on my 22lr and was wondering the legalities of this, I could add a serial number to the mod and record it on my FAC, just wondering the possibilities, obviously this wouldn't be for any...
  2. Hausken Thread Adapter

    Hi All, I have a Hausken SK156 moderator. The default thread on the moderator is M14X1, I therefore have to use one of the Hausken thread adapters so it fits my rifle. I'm about to sell the rifle, but want to keep the moderator, but I can't get the thread adapter out of the moderator.... Any...
  3. .17 Hornet Moderator

    Evening looking for Any advice/opinions on a moderator for a .17 Hornet. Just brought a CZ 527. Thanks
  4. Moderator question

    Hi all, I know i am fairly new to this forum, however i have just got my FAC and am wanting to start getting into deer stalking as much as possible. My question is this- how much sound reduction can i expect from a decent mod on a .223 rem? in real terms that is, can i fire it without earplugs...