muntjac antlers

  1. 20221024_080149.jpg


    A nice munty buck.
  2. Wanted: Muntjac stalking South England

    In search for 3-day hunt in South England for Muntjac (2016 or 2017) February or March with 2-5 hunters from Belgium
  3. Muntjac antler measurement

    Hi, can anyone give me a view as to whether the head I have from a mature muntjac buck might be a medal head. antler lengths - 9.5 and 10.5 tines 3 and 3 coronet circ 8.5 and 9 mid-beam circ 4.5 and 4.5 span 10 That adds up to 61 by my reckoning. Does that sound right? Is 61 high silver...