
  1. Introduction

    Hi! First post here. I am a Norwegian hunter, who hunts both mammals and birds in Norway and Sweden, and sometimes in other countries. Been hunting in almost 20 years. Rifle: 6.5*55 and 30.06 Shotgun : 12/89 and 12/70 Sorry for my poor english. Pål Sindre Svae
  2. Norwegian roe deer hunt with dogs

    After several failed trips for me and a group of friends everything seemed to fall into place today. We arrived at the meeting place 7:30 to be greeted with 5 roe deer in the middle of the farmers field adjacent to our hunting terrain. This field separates two different hunting terrains but...
  3. Moose and calf

    Whilst sitting at my post waiting for a roe buck to show I had a visit from a female moose with her calf. Great to see and more than made up for not seeing a roe buck.
  4. 1st day of Norwegian roe buck season

    It was the first day of the Norwegian roe buck season today, I arrived early at my hunting terrain around 3am and waited for the sun to come up, the light was good enough to shoot from 4:30am. After seeing and hearing nothing I broke out the buttolo at 06:30 and 15 mins later a little buck...