
  1. Introduction

    Hello, Quick introduction here. Lewis based in North Cumbria. Been interested in Deer Stalking, target shooting and Foxing for a few years but due to work commitments have never got round to it. The time is finally right! Joined as keen to find opportunities to meet like minded people and...
  2. Available: All you need to know if you want to hunt in Spain

    Spain is one of the most desired hunting destinations for hunters. The variety of species, the possibility of adapting each hunt to the expectations of each one, the favorable weather conditions that prevail in most of the hunting days, make Spain an ideal country for hunting. I am writting...
  3. Hunting/Stalking Expeditions in the Highlands

    Dear SD, I love stalking for what it is, hunter-gathering, eating fresh food and living off the land. My experiences have been limited to morning and evening lowland, woodland and farmland stalking, which I really enjoy, but recently I have become more interested in the idea of stalking...