pheasants and partridges

  1. A basic introduction.

    Hello! I am a student at Sparsholt agricultural college and I’m studying Game the level 3 management course. I am joining this forum to learn about game management and conservation. I also would like to learn about firearms and ammunition on this website to make me more knowledgeable for my...
  2. Looking forward to following along and catching up with fellow guns

    Hi folks, My name is Guy. I’ve grown up with a love of shooting and the British countryside, passed down from my father. Many of my fondest memories come from stalking pigeon and rats in our barns as a lad with my trusty bsa. From my first clay lessons at Apsley through many amazing days on...
  3. Shoot dates at Glemham Hall Shoot (pheasants and partridges)

    The Shoot The 3600 acre Glemham Hall Shoot, historically run by the Cobbold family has for the first time been leased out. We are proud to have been chosen and given the opportunity to run this fantastic shoot in close conjunction with Major Hope-Cobbold. Set in the heart of the Suffolk...