
  1. PRS (steel plate matches) Questions?

    Hi guys, my names Trez, I’m a co founder of Precsion Rifle Series U.K. Recently joined the Forums to help get people who want to learn more about steel plate matches in general not just PRS UK matches. I’m happy to talk through with anybody about any pre conceived barriers to entry, kit that...
  2. Introduction Jacob Skuse

    hello, I am Jacob from Bristol. been target shooting since i was 14 now 25 at my local club east bristol. since 2021 i have taken up PRS shooting in the UK in .22lr and fullbore. i am also an NRA member and occasionally shoot at bisley and also a member at Pro Shoot in Llanbradach just north of...
  3. Magpul prs gen 3 strip

    Anyone ever stripped down a prs gen 3 butt stock?and if so how did it go 🤔