
  1. Lightforce 170 striker - polarity

    Building a foxing rig for the quad I have a Lightforce RM170 Striker Remote Mounted Lamp and remote handle, and the wiring instructions are vague to say the least. The Lightforce mounting handle instructions seem to suggest that polarity of connections are important, but the lamp has...
  2. Fin Grips/Rifle Rack for Quads

    Looking for views on fin grips (or any other similar type of rifle carrying attachment) which i would be putting on a honda quad? Are they any good, handle bar or rack attachment? Standard single fin grips from bushwear are the obvious choice but i see an alternative option on targetsportsuk...
  3. Honda TRX350 quad VIN

    Hi, does anyone know where I will find the VIN or chassis number on my Honda TRX350?