training course

  1. DSC 2 When will I get the call from assesor

    Went out on a successful stalk on January the 1st did everything correct, authorized whiteness was really happy, even said I could join his syndicate we both sent all the information about the stalk to the assessor on the 5th of far a haven't heard anything, does it normally...
  2. ATV Course and approving bodies

    To be allow to use the quad bike and buggy at the estate I have permission on, I need to have an ATV certificate to show I know how not to do stupid stuff. So I have started looking into them for Central Scotland and just hoping to get some advice from people that have regulary done these...
  3. Deerstalking Short Courses

    Can anyone recommend a deerstalking / hunting related course that can be done remotely during lockdown? (Aside from DSC1 and DSC2). Thanks