Acquiring experience shooting foxes and rabbits.


Well-Known Member
Hello all.

Not sure if this is the correct section of the site but this appears the best fit, apologies if incorrect.

Background information.
(Based in Somerest).

So I am currently applying for my FAC. My family are sheep farmers and they have about 25-40 rabbits in one of their fields and during lambing season foxes lurking in some of the others.

I am applying for a .22 for the rabbits and a 22-250 for the foxes.

In my interview, because it has been 10 years or so since I have used a rifle the officer said they are happy to grant the FAC provided I get some experience first. They said this has to be going out "2 or 3 times using the calibers I want to apply for, for pest control". They also said that firearms courses wouldn't be considered experience.

This seems perfectly reasonable in my opinion but it does leave me stuck. I don't know anyone with a FAC to take me out.
I've asked around extended family and friends of friends etc. The local gun shop owner and suggested posting on here to see if I can find anyone.

I'm not using this thread to ask for that as I'm sure most people wouldn't trust a stranger, let alone one on the internet but does anyone have suggestion of where to look for someone?

I am perfectly happy to pay for someones time.

Thank you for any suggestions or advice.

- Shrike
Hello all.

Not sure if this is the correct section of the site but this appears the best fit, apologies if incorrect.

Background information.
(Based in Somerest).

So I am currently applying for my FAC. My family are sheep farmers and they have about 25-40 rabbits in one of their fields and during lambing season foxes lurking in some of the others.

I am applying for a .22 for the rabbits and a 22-250 for the foxes.

In my interview, because it has been 10 years or so since I have used a rifle the officer said they are happy to grant the FAC provided I get some experience first. They said this has to be going out "2 or 3 times using the calibers I want to apply for, for pest control". They also said that firearms courses wouldn't be considered experience.

This seems perfectly reasonable in my opinion but it does leave me stuck. I don't know anyone with a FAC to take me out.
I've asked around extended family and friends of friends etc. The local gun shop owner and suggested posting on here to see if I can find anyone.

I'm not using this thread to ask for that as I'm sure most people wouldn't trust a stranger, let alone one on the internet but does anyone have suggestion of where to look for someone?

I am perfectly happy to pay for someones time.

Thank you for any suggestions or advice.

- Shrike
Welcome, think the gun shop owner would know all the locals around your way...offer some lamb cuts sound of free food gets peoples attention
why not try and find somone who will take you out on your own ground with there gun? Just go carfull though who you pick like most other things there are plenty of self proclaimed "experts" but what you need is someone who is going to teach you good gun safety, how to judge backstops ect not somone who will show you how to shot foxes at 400yards at night in a gale.
I don't know of any 22.250 users, anywhere, and I know a lot of keepers and stalkers. And my local gunship would not give out any information regarding 22.250 owners to a stranger. They may at a push take your mobile number and pass that on.
It's a daft requirement and i don't think it's reasonable at all. A better and easier one may have been "to go out 2 or 3 times using a Centre Fire".
Either way, I believe there is no legal requirement for you to do that in order to get an FAC. If you are a member of the BASC ask their advice and help.
Good luck.
I don't know of any 22.250 users, anywhere, and I know a lot of keepers and stalkers. And my local gunship would not give out any information regarding 22.250 owners to a stranger. They may at a push take your mobile number and pass that on.
It's a daft requirement and i don't think it's reasonable at all. A better and easier one may have been "to go out 2 or 3 times using a Centre Fire".
Either way, I believe there is no legal requirement for you to do that in order to get an FAC. If you are a member of the BASC ask their advice and help.
Good luck.
As far as legal requirement goes, my understanding was that because its "a privilege not a right" they can essentially make up any rules they like to grant licences. To be fair to them they also said what if the experiance is gained with a bigger caliber (say a .243) they would approve that and calibers below it.

As far as what others have said I have given my details to shop owners and even a clay pigeon shooting ground nearby in the hopes they will pass it on.

I have until end of august to gain the relevant experience.
Have you tried joining a local club. Your pretty much guaranteed to find someone with a .22-250 and definitely find loads of .22LR’s
10.12 Every effort must be made to limit the number of additional conditions imposed on a firearm certificate and ensure that they are not contradictory. Care should be taken, however, to ensure that all ‘good reasons’ for which a firearm is possessed are allowed for, for instance stalking and target shooting.

10.13 There is no requirement to establish ‘good reason’ for additional conditions or the addition of quarry species to an existing condition where ‘good reason’ already exists for the possession of a firearm in the first instance (see Chapter 12). Firearms should be conditioned to provide flexibility with quarry shooting by allowing all lawful quarry (see Appendix 3).
If they said they are happy to grant it then they should grant it unless there is a law covering their request to which they can only say no to and proceed with the grant.
They are testing us to see how easy we comply and then at a later date it becomes law.
Same old routine....
how big is the family sheep farm?

I would apply again for say a .17hmr or .17wsm which will be better for the rabbits and will allow for foxes at short distances, then when you have gained experience after a few months apply for your 22-250 or possibly consider a .223 as an alternative.

Don‘t forget to include the sound mod on your application.
how big is the family sheep farm?

I would apply again for say a .17hmr or .17wsm which will be better for the rabbits and will allow for foxes at short distances, then when you have gained experience after a few months apply for your 22-250 or possibly consider a .223 as an alternative.

Don‘t forget to include the sound mod on your application.
.223 is the other caliber I was considering.
I was also considering a .17 for the rabbits.
The officer suggested mods for all of them so that won’t be an issue.
As far as ranges go the rabbits have never been shot so you can walk to within about 25m of them.
The foxes on the other hand are a bit shy. Around 100m is as close as I’ve gotten so far but I’m far from experienced with a squeaker/fox call.

And before someone suggests air gun for rabbits I’m just not comfortable shooting anything other than a rat with an air gun. I know you can I’m just not so sure.
.223 is the other caliber I was considering.
I was also considering a .17 for the rabbits.
The officer suggested mods for all of them so that won’t be an issue.
As far as ranges go the rabbits have never been shot so you can walk to within about 25m of them.
The foxes on the other hand are a bit shy. Around 100m is as close as I’ve gotten so far but I’m far from experienced with a squeaker/fox call.

And before someone suggests air gun for rabbits I’m just not comfortable shooting anything other than a rat with an air gun. I know you can I’m just not so sure.

its surprising how quickly rabbits learn danger, your 25m may quickly be 50 plus.

.17wsm will drop a fox at 100mtrs.
True however, I don't want to up set them by arguing. I may push back a little If i can't find anyone.

No, remind plod that they are public servants, you are a member of the public, and plod should serve you accordingly.

Tell them you bought an air rifle and shot a fox, but it took a long time to die so you need the FAC.

Would expect there are people in your family who have SGC's if you are farmers?
I got my FAC first with an air rifle (AirArms S510 XS) then added a 17HMR and then a 223 without any problems. You could try that route.
No, remind plod that they are public servants, you are a member of the public, and plod should serve you accordingly.

Tell them you bought an air rifle and shot a fox, but it took a long time to die so you need the FAC.

Would expect there are people in your family who have SGC's if you are farmers?
Parents weren't born farmers. They started in their 40's. So no SGC's either. First In the family and extended family to apply for one.

A few of you guys have mentioned questioning their judgement/decision/process. So i will push back if the need for it arises.

To be honest having someone more experienced than me give me a hand a few times cant be a bad thing.
"I need to control vermin humanly and as soon as possible for the welfare of our livestock. I do not want to be in a position that could lead me to wound vermin."

That is the political way of throwing the ball back to them. According to the guidance that is plenty good enough!
Experience comes in time.
Just don't look down the barrel or force others to.
Don't point it at anything you do not wish to destroy and ask yourself, where will this bullet go if I miss.
22 rimmy and a 222 or 204 would suit your needs unless deer are on the menu .243 is a good all round foxing and deer rifle to boot, with a light weight round it will shoot further than want

when you have a rimmy and a deer rifle there is always an itch to get something in between like a hornet or two and a 222. :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl: be warned you’ll have a full cabinet in no time