Advice on low budget 12g shotgun OU/semi etc

A £600 budget will get you a decent gun. You’ll find some of the “mainstream” clay guns used at that price, but you’ll need to be sure you’re not buying a dog.

Have a good look at a Yildiz. People scoff at them because for the last few years the importer only bothered with the cheap and cheerful models. When the new importers saw the full catalogue they were amazed at the premium stuff they sell, but had been ignored by the old importers.

Check the catalogue. Ignore the label snobs. Your budget will buy you the 12 bore ejector o/u. Add another couple of hundred and you’re into serious clay busting machines at next to no money compared with the Italian stuff.
It is your money… but I wouldn’t rule out Turkish guns… I’d guess for £600 you’d be able to pick up a good used condition o/u and a semi auto.

I’ve got a well used Rizzini o/u that just cost a tenth of the 525 that sits next to it in the cabinet, that I like just as much.
Wow...and I thought settling on a rifle to buy was overwhelming!

Called Rakers but they only have two leftie OUs in stock at present, both well out of budget.

Have to deliver something to someone in Crawley later so I'm popping my certificate in my pocket and doing a round trip of FA Anderson, Chris Potter and Sussex Guns, Battle to see what they have on the shelves. Might find something but happy to walk away if I find nothing suitable.

Thanks for all the suggestions and advice folks ;-)
A semi is great in a hide. I have a hatsan escort in left hand and it flings the cartridges out about 6 foot. Not ideal on a walked up shoot.
Will be coming up for sale here at some point as it is a bit of a cabinet princess. Good shottie and I never found it cartridge fussy.
But yes I think you will be better off with a o/u.
And finally read up on fit because with shotties it is all about FIY FIT FIT.
Hi all. I know a similar question is often asked regarding beginner shotguns but I hope you will indulge my own personal questions please...

So I've recently rediscovered the joy of shooting a shotgun on my small permission - rough stuff mainly, rabbits and hopefully pigeons again (when the law allows). Trouble is its an old Baikal 27. Don't get me wrong, I like it in a weird way, but its got considerable RH cast (and I'm a leftie), has double triggers with a pull of about 1 tonne each, its got a rifle buttplate fitted (!), the fore end is chipped, the rib buckled and its generally ugly as sin. So I'm looking to ever so slightly 'upgrade' (max budget £600).

Main usage will be as outlined above but it would be nice to visit a clay ground occasionally to practice without having to hide my face. Not particularly bothered about ornate engraving and high grade timber obviously. I would like (ideally) a left hand stock, single trigger, steel proofed/multi choke barrels (28-30"), made outside of Turkey (OU) and of course a gun that fits.

Now I've read/discussed enough to realise that gun fit is by far and away the most important factor and that will be what defines my eventual purchase once options are narrowed down. So with that as given, what are your polite thoughts on the following?:

I could pick up a cheap and cheerful Turkish semi...Armsan A612 or Hatsan Escort Magnum either SH or new. From the reviews I've read they're basic but functional, pretty weatherproof, readily available in LH and adjustable (crudely) for LOP and cast, easy to clean/maintain, steel proofed and accept up to 3" carts. But they can be cartridge fussy and clay grounds often frown at or forbid them right?

Or I could look at something like an older Browning Medallist, Bettinsoli Diamond/Universal or Miroku 3800? Nice looking guns that tick most boxes but not many long term reviews that I can find . I do like what I have read about the more recent Bettinsoli OUs from most owners but they do seem to polarise opinions among the wider shooting community.

At the 'top end' I could look out for (especially if i could find another £100 odd to throw at it) a used Beretta 680 series (686 or 687)? If money was no option this is what I would go for I'm sure, but £700 is only likely to secure something very well used and perhaps fixed choke (which I could live with). I could be looking at a less that tight action and barrels not suitable for steel also.

So with those options in mind, I'd much appreciate your thoughts, particularly from those that own or have owned any of the above (ideally several) or who have been through a similar decision making process. And of course, if you have an immaculate cased L/H Silver Pigeon, multi-choke, steel proofed, grade 5 12g that you don't use and would sell for £500 posted to my RFD, please get in touch! ;)

Many thanks in advance.
I've a 686s for sale. Fixed choke but fab gun.
Just got back from my little round trip and it was very enlightening and useful, though I bought nothing.

Clearly, and as suggested, nothing beats handling/mounting lots of different guns to see how they feel side by side (so to speak). Got the opportunity to look closely at Bettinsoli, Lanber, beretta, browning and Armsan. Realised after a while that a Beretta 680-something is what feels best for me overall. I held several 686s and a very nice 687 but all were right hand cast. Was slightly put out when one guy suggested that cast is not really that important and that I could probably shoot a RH gun fine. I walked away.

The Lanber, which I'd been massively unenthusiastic about viewing, was actually pretty good for the money and way better in the flesh than in the photos. Was still a bit tatty but felt solid and came to my eye well.

Must give a public thumbs up to Dominic at Chris Potter who was very very helpful, honest and not at all pushy. Gave me his attention for well over an hour, not trying to steer me any which way, but just listening and informing me. Picking up on my reactions he suggested I wait and look online until a tidyish 686 in LH comes along around my budget limit.

They didn't really do it for me for some reason but the new ATAs are a lot of gun for the money! Found the Kofs a bit 'toy like' with the alloy actions. Only saw a couple of Bettinsolis...looked beautiful tbh. Had a hold of an Armsan a612 (right handed of course!) and really liked that too. Very different but I will continue to look out for a used leftie one of those as well as a Beretta.

Thanks for all the posts and PMS guys, it's all helped me narrow down the options and work out what I want.

If you hear of anything for sale please alert me.

Many thanks, Paul.
The second shotgun I bought was a left handed berreta multi choke OU 3” proofed gun for about £500. It’s still going strong new hinge pins two new u bolts 3 new stocks. I take it Wildfowling mainly now never misses a beat. I know a bit of a triggers broom but still an old friend in the gun cabinet. Find an old berreta in south paw and up your budget to a wee bit you won’t regret it…. Buy once…..
Hi all. I know a similar question is often asked regarding beginner shotguns but I hope you will indulge my own personal questions please...

So I've recently rediscovered the joy of shooting a shotgun on my small permission - rough stuff mainly, rabbits and hopefully pigeons again (when the law allows). Trouble is its an old Baikal 27. Don't get me wrong, I like it in a weird way, but its got considerable RH cast (and I'm a leftie), has double triggers with a pull of about 1 tonne each, its got a rifle buttplate fitted (!), the fore end is chipped, the rib buckled and its generally ugly as sin. So I'm looking to ever so slightly 'upgrade' (max budget £600).

Main usage will be as outlined above but it would be nice to visit a clay ground occasionally to practice without having to hide my face. Not particularly bothered about ornate engraving and high grade timber obviously. I would like (ideally) a left hand stock, single trigger, steel proofed/multi choke barrels (28-30"), made outside of Turkey (OU) and of course a gun that fits.

Now I've read/discussed enough to realise that gun fit is by far and away the most important factor and that will be what defines my eventual purchase once options are narrowed down. So with that as given, what are your polite thoughts on the following?:

I could pick up a cheap and cheerful Turkish semi...Armsan A612 or Hatsan Escort Magnum either SH or new. From the reviews I've read they're basic but functional, pretty weatherproof, readily available in LH and adjustable (crudely) for LOP and cast, easy to clean/maintain, steel proofed and accept up to 3" carts. But they can be cartridge fussy and clay grounds often frown at or forbid them right?

Or I could look at something like an older Browning Medallist, Bettinsoli Diamond/Universal or Miroku 3800? Nice looking guns that tick most boxes but not many long term reviews that I can find . I do like what I have read about the more recent Bettinsoli OUs from most owners but they do seem to polarise opinions among the wider shooting community.

At the 'top end' I could look out for (especially if i could find another £100 odd to throw at it) a used Beretta 680 series (686 or 687)? If money was no option this is what I would go for I'm sure, but £700 is only likely to secure something very well used and perhaps fixed choke (which I could live with). I could be looking at a less that tight action and barrels not suitable for steel also.

So with those options in mind, I'd much appreciate your thoughts, particularly from those that own or have owned any of the above (ideally several) or who have been through a similar decision making process. And of course, if you have an immaculate cased L/H Silver Pigeon, multi-choke, steel proofed, grade 5 12g that you don't use and would sell for £500 posted to my RFD, please get in touch! ;)

Many thanks in advance.
The other option is to find a RH OU that fits length wise as you will be spoilt for choice then have the stock pulled over...
Open up the options as you method is like looking for a LH drive car in pink with cross ply tires...

For the record both my grade 6 & 3 325 Browning's (both know sold) were pulled over to a left cast many years ago, I have a 325 which the gun shop rang me as it had a left cast fitted v well, my 425 3" marsh gun was also puled over LH. The 325/425 are matched for cast and length.. 🤫
The other option is to find a RH OU that fits length wise as you will be spoilt for choice then have the stock pulled over...
Open up the options as you method is like looking for a LH drive car in pink with cross ply tires...

For the record both my grade 6 & 3 325 Browning's (both know sold) were pulled over to a left cast many years ago, I have a 325 which the gun shop rang me as it had a left cast fitted v well, my 425 3" marsh gun was also puled over LH. The 325/425 are matched for cast and length.. 🤫
Funny you say that as I've just seen a very tidy, cased 686S for £500 that is marked as right handed. What kind of $ would I be looking at to have the cast changed?
Funny you say that as I've just seen a very tidy, cased 686S for £500 that is marked as right handed. What kind of $ would I be looking at to have the cast changed?
Ask your local shop as I can't speak for them, the last one I had done was £50. Any luck with a pink car and cross ply tires
I shoot a lot of shotgun...

Don't buy cheap **** new if you want it to last. Repairs can be expensive as it takes more time for the gunsmith to fix the bad design.

Only buy Beretta, Browning or Miroku. They go on for ever.

Even new mid price stuff falls apart. Mentioning no names.

Holts have an auction coming up, I saw some Miroku in that. This usually becomes three auctions. They have the live auction. Anything that does not sell in that immediately goes into an online bids thing then there is an auction of the leftovers from that. Sort of, I am sure that isn't very accurate.

You can phone them up and they will give you a condition report. So stuff there for all budgets, it is very fashion dependent so there are some good things there that low prices but don't forget the buyers premium.
Just had a look on Holts and there's a few interesting bits. Notice the additional fees are 32.7% which is pretty nasty...less so if you bag a bargain I guess. Then it's £35 delivery fee (up to 3 guns) to your RFD. I may of course be mistaken in my interpretation of the fees...