Hi all. I know a similar question is often asked regarding beginner shotguns but I hope you will indulge my own personal questions please...
So I've recently rediscovered the joy of shooting a shotgun on my small permission - rough stuff mainly, rabbits and hopefully pigeons again (when the law allows). Trouble is its an old Baikal 27. Don't get me wrong, I like it in a weird way, but its got considerable RH cast (and I'm a leftie), has double triggers with a pull of about 1 tonne each, its got a rifle buttplate fitted (!), the fore end is chipped, the rib buckled and its generally ugly as sin. So I'm looking to ever so slightly 'upgrade' (max budget £600).
Main usage will be as outlined above but it would be nice to visit a clay ground occasionally to practice without having to hide my face. Not particularly bothered about ornate engraving and high grade timber obviously. I would like (ideally) a left hand stock, single trigger, steel proofed/multi choke barrels (28-30"), made outside of Turkey (OU) and of course a gun that fits.
Now I've read/discussed enough to realise that gun fit is by far and away the most important factor and that will be what defines my eventual purchase once options are narrowed down. So with that as given, what are your polite thoughts on the following?:
I could pick up a cheap and cheerful Turkish semi...Armsan A612 or Hatsan Escort Magnum either SH or new. From the reviews I've read they're basic but functional, pretty weatherproof, readily available in LH and adjustable (crudely) for LOP and cast, easy to clean/maintain, steel proofed and accept up to 3" carts. But they can be cartridge fussy and clay grounds often frown at or forbid them right?
Or I could look at something like an older Browning Medallist, Bettinsoli Diamond/Universal or Miroku 3800? Nice looking guns that tick most boxes but not many long term reviews that I can find . I do like what I have read about the more recent Bettinsoli OUs from most owners but they do seem to polarise opinions among the wider shooting community.
At the 'top end' I could look out for (especially if i could find another £100 odd to throw at it) a used Beretta 680 series (686 or 687)? If money was no option this is what I would go for I'm sure, but £700 is only likely to secure something very well used and perhaps fixed choke (which I could live with). I could be looking at a less that tight action and barrels not suitable for steel also.
So with those options in mind, I'd much appreciate your thoughts, particularly from those that own or have owned any of the above (ideally several) or who have been through a similar decision making process. And of course, if you have an immaculate cased L/H Silver Pigeon, multi-choke, steel proofed, grade 5 12g that you don't use and would sell for £500 posted to my RFD, please get in touch!
Many thanks in advance.