The deer man
Well-Known Member
If I was going to build a 308, I'd use a 308 sized action. That rules out the T3.
I'd go Sako 75 or Tikka 595, though I wonder at the point in building a 308 for stalking given the availability of perfectly good factory rifles. If you need a specific non standard rifle, fine, but otherwise...?
Almost about to say the same thing, "perfectly good factory rifles", then saw your post! In my mind the cost is more than it's worth, can have endless headaches along the way and never seem to be delivered on time.
That said there are some very good rifle builders around (on SD as well) who will do a great job. Then there are some who are plainly part time butchers on a trip of 'I'm in the arms trade'! Choose your builder on establishment and reputation wisely.
Now, must get back to that .223 custom build I'm thinking about...!