Barn Owls

feathers get waterlogged which is why they spend so much time in barns.
Spot on as usual Mike. To be so silent in flight, the wings are super soft (sounds like a posh toilet roll!) but downside to that is they are not very water repellent.
Heard loads when I was out last night round the farm.

We already have boxes on trees, but seems jackdaws use them mainly. Thinking of putting couple up inside barns/sheds I have. Just wondering if anyone done similar & did jackdaws take over these too?
Around barns the nest boxes are often inhabited by kestrels. Its well worth putting them up though, the more you put up the better.
Had a pair following ma young springer as she hunted the heather on the front fell magic to see
Regular see them fly by ma front window on windy nights looks like a white paper bag 🤣
Very common now see them very often. A few months ago saw 3 together sitting in a stubble field, so hand squeaked and managed to call 2 of them in hovering above my head.
Have seen a lot of Tawny owls in Orkney recently, early mornings, I always thought owls only hunted during the night.
Heard loads when I was out last night round the farm.

We already have boxes on trees, but seems jackdaws use them mainly. Thinking of putting couple up inside barns/sheds I have. Just wondering if anyone done similar & did jackdaws take over these too?
Mine have had stock doves quite regularly. (I gather there have been records of barn owls and stock doves using a box at the same time!)

The female barn owl has just started coming back to her nestbox for half an hour each night - I assume to assert that it is 'hers'.