BDS East Mercia Range Day and Deer Stalkers get together, with Pulsar, Simpson Brothers and Vortex

BDS - Charity Account

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East Mercia Range Day and Deer Stalkers get together, with Pulsar, Simpson Brothers and Vortex
The next EM Range Day will be held on Saturday 21st September at Swayfield, Lincs. NG33 4LH (nearest postcode).

The day will also be run as a ‘guest day’ allowing any BDS member who does not hold an FAC to experience using a live centrefire rifle under BDS supervision Any member who wishes to take advantage of this MUST register interest via the email below by the 2nd September.

The range will start at the usual 100m but may go back later in the day.

We will also be joined by Pulsar and Vortex trade stands with their representatives, along with Simpson Brothers. There will be an opportunity to see the thermal spotters and day/night scopes offered by those companies in a ‘outdoor environment’ and to be talked through the nuances of these items by those with knowledge and practical experience.

Simpson Brothers are a local retailer, who you will be able to purchase products from on the day. If you have any special requirements please email to ensure they will have these requested items.

Even if you’re new to deer and deer stalking, or just want to learn something about deer and The British Deer Society, come along. The society Head of Training Nick Rout and the East Mercia Branch Committee will be present to answer any questions you may have about training, Deer Stalking Certificates 1 or 2 or any other questions about deer management and deer.

Food will be available on site.

In order to help generate attendance at this event, there will be no entry charge. Also, any BDS member wishing to use the range will only be charged the reduced rate of £15. Booking MUST be registered before the event for range use as normal.

The EM committee hope our members and other Branches will support this day.
We are extremely grateful to Pulsar, Simpson Brothers and Vortex for their time and expertise and hope that those attending will benefit from the experience.

Anyone wishing to attend please register your interest via the email
The day will commence at 10:00hrs and will finish no later than 1600hrs.
If shooting please bring Membership card/details and FAC.

W3W location backtrack.surpasses.elbowing

Please note there are NO TOILET facilities at this event, but there are local Pubs and cafes
Kind regards,

East Mercia Branch
Just wanted to add this is open to any person who is a member of any Home Office Approved club such as B A S C, so we're really looking forward to getting a bit of a social get together, even if you don't shoot on the day.
What about NGO members
The NGO unlike BASC are not a Home Office approved club as far as I am aware.
However I can't see a logical or legal reason for it being restricted to H.O. approved club members as NGO members are adequately insured.
I raised the very same question as you when the BDS were holding monthly shoots at Monmouth and they were going to get back to me with an answer but they never did but there again the chap organising these shoots sadly passed away.
The NGO unlike BASC are not a Home Office approved club as far as I am aware.
However I can't see a logical or legal reason for it being restricted to H.O. approved club members as NGO members are adequately insured.
I raised the very same question as you when the BDS were holding monthly shoots at Monmouth and they were going to get back to me with an answer but they never did but there again the chap organising these shoots sadly passed away.
In the past it was ok
In the past it stated NGO in the add.
Not asked yet as there us nothing advertised that I would like to go on in my area
I know that the issue is around you using the range as an NGO member. The NOG is as someone pointed out above NOT a HO ‘approved’ organisation. This then means the BDS insurance is invalid.
There is absolutely no issue with you attending any BDS event as a much welcomed attendee, but unfortunately not in a ‘shooting’ capacity.

On that note, I am the Secretary of the East Mercia Branch of the BDS. We are trying really hard to put an event together to bring like minded people to the same thing.
If anyone wishes to attend this event in whatever capacity, we would really appreciate it.
A lot of time and effort has gone into this so far and we are hoping we’ll be supported by local and perhaps not so local stalkers and people interested in deer.
I know that the issue is around you using the range as an NGO member. The NOG is as someone pointed out above NOT a HO ‘approved’ organisation. This then means the BDS insurance is invalid.
There is absolutely no issue with you attending any BDS event as a much welcomed attendee, but unfortunately not in a ‘shooting’ capacity.
I don't think the BDS have got it quite right as regards the insurance and guests. I believe that the BDS may have not paid a guest capitation fee and are relying upon the insurance cover provided to guests who belong to other H.O. approved clubs by the guests own club insurance. In which case the guest should attend as part of a club activity rather than as an individual shooter.
The number of target shooters who are individual members of the N.R.A. or who take out individual insurance to cover target shooting is fairly low.
If the BDS is relying upon guests to insure themselves then I see no reason why NGO members should be discriminated against as they have individual cover as part of their membership benefits. I also don't see any reason why individual shooters adequately covered by insurance policies from other shooting organisations such as CPSA should be excluded.

This is what I queried previously but unfortunately never got an answer to. I was told that they had probably simply copied and pasted previous details from another branch and that no one had checked them recently. The West branch were going to check with BDS H.Q..
My suggestion was simply that guest shooters simply had to be able to demonstrate adequate individual cover and that this could be verified on the day by producing a valid certificate of membership/insurance along with your FAC.
I don’t disagree with your thoughts.
However I’m instructed on who can attend by BDS HQ - so I wish I knew the definitive answer for you but I’m afraid I don’t.
I know that the issue is around you using the range as an NGO member. The NOG is as someone pointed out above NOT a HO ‘approved’ organisation. This then means the BDS insurance is invalid.
There is absolutely no issue with you attending any BDS event as a much welcomed attendee, but unfortunately not in a ‘shooting’ capacity.

On that note, I am the Secretary of the East Mercia Branch of the BDS. We are trying really hard to put an event together to bring like minded people to the same thing.
If anyone wishes to attend this event in whatever capacity, we would really appreciate it.
A lot of time and effort has gone into this so far and we are hoping we’ll be supported by local and perhaps not so local stalkers and people interested in deer.
Just asking. So If an NGO or countryside alliance member does his level 1 course through the BDS . Will they be able to take the shooting test part of the level 1
As BDS only recognise home office approved organisation
Just asking. So If an NGO or countryside alliance member does his level 1 course through the BDS . Will they be able to take the shooting test part of the level 1
As BDS only recognise home office approved organisation
As I understand that - yes. Because whilst they are doing the DSC 1 cse they are treated as BDS members.
The British Deer Society has a rifle club which allows us to run Branch Shooting events that align with our charitable objectives.
The rifle club is approved by the Home Office – who also review and approve our club rules as part of the approval process.
The rules state that “Persons who hold valid (individual) membership of the Society who hold a Firearm Certificate, are automatically a member of the Rifle Club. They are eligible to attend shooting events organised for their benefit.”
They also specify two other categories of person who are eligible to participate in shooting events:
Guests: “BDS members who do not hold an FAC shall be able to attend guest days organised by the club”. Such Guests must be formally notified in advance as per the club rules.
Visitors: “Visitors to the club who hold a current firearms certificate, who are bona fide members of another Home Office approved club or clubs and whom a Member of the British Deer Society Rifle Club sponsors, may shoot in club range events. The sponsor must ensure that he and the visitor enter all relevant details on the range register before the visitor takes part in any shooting under the auspices of the club.”
Note: the terms “Guest” and ”Visitor” here refer to actively participating in the shooting event. Members of the pubic may attend shooting events as observers if the branch is confident that this will not compromise the safety or viability of the shooting event – but they may not shoot unless they comply with one of the three categories listed above:
  • Full Member of the BDS with FAC
  • Guest (BDS members who do not hold an FAC and have been correctly notified in advance)
  • Visitor (Member of another Home Office Approved Club, with FAC and sponsored by a Member of the British Deer Society Rifle Club)
Note: This restriction on participation is not directly caused by Insurance – but by the rules which have been agreed with the Home Office. Equally though, any breach of the rules will create issues with both the Home Office and our insurers (as the cover is contingent on us abiding by our rules).

Of course you can always pop over to the range on the day and have a discussion and a brew, where we can chat it over!

The British Deer Society has a rifle club which allows us to run Branch Shooting events that align with our charitable objectives.
The rifle club is approved by the Home Office – who also review and approve our club rules as part of the approval process.
The rules state that “Persons who hold valid (individual) membership of the Society who hold a Firearm Certificate, are automatically a member of the Rifle Club. They are eligible to attend shooting events organised for their benefit.”
They also specify two other categories of person who are eligible to participate in shooting events:
Guests: “BDS members who do not hold an FAC shall be able to attend guest days organised by the club”. Such Guests must be formally notified in advance as per the club rules.
Visitors: “Visitors to the club who hold a current firearms certificate, who are bona fide members of another Home Office approved club or clubs and whom a Member of the British Deer Society Rifle Club sponsors, may shoot in club range events. The sponsor must ensure that he and the visitor enter all relevant details on the range register before the visitor takes part in any shooting under the auspices of the club.”
Note: the terms “Guest” and ”Visitor” here refer to actively participating in the shooting event. Members of the pubic may attend shooting events as observers if the branch is confident that this will not compromise the safety or viability of the shooting event – but they may not shoot unless they comply with one of the three categories listed above:
  • Full Member of the BDS with FAC
  • Guest (BDS members who do not hold an FAC and have been correctly notified in advance)
  • Visitor (Member of another Home Office Approved Club, with FAC and sponsored by a Member of the British Deer Society Rifle Club)
Note: This restriction on participation is not directly caused by Insurance – but by the rules which have been agreed with the Home Office. Equally though, any breach of the rules will create issues with both the Home Office and our insurers (as the cover is contingent on us abiding by our rules).

Of course you can always pop over to the range on the day and have a discussion and a brew, where we can chat it over!

Just joined this site and something to look forward to already, looking forward to seeing other people shoot too for a change, should we have a whip around for a portaloo for the day?🤣