Budget but reliable semi auto shotguns


Active Member
Hi all,

Looking for some advice on a budget but reliable semi automatic shotgun as I’ve never owned one and only used them. Budget is no more than £400, will be using it for pest control only.

Benelli or beretta s/h would be my choice. Does it need to be an auto? For £400 you can get a nearly new pump or a very clean aya no4 side by side ejector?
Seems like the Benelli is quite recommended, leaning that way. I already have 2 over and unders and quite fancy a semi, a 3rd shot is a nice option to have too.
A winchester SX3 that is unabused is a decent gun, better than the 4. I had a ‘nelly but it wouldn’t cycle light stuff (under 30g), granted it was an older one…put me off though. Beretta seem the best option, the better models in good nick are still good money though. I had the same dilemma and ended up setting a supernova, not to everyone’s liking though.