Dogs that destroy beds

When our hound was little she liked shredding things. So she had a box with all the the recycling cardboard packaging. She would shred it then fall asleep. She grew out of the need to shred.

Shredding/ distruction often a sign of boredom.
Nancy’s sister, Elva.
It’s no joke, that picture shows what she did to a soft toy last year. She meticulously removed all fluffy stuff from inside of it and then placed both eyes next to its former head and waited for me to come into the room to discover her chewing art.
It’s probably a good thing that she never ever allowed a dog to cover her, i tried to find her a match , but she simply wouldn’t allow anything to do the job. She’s an old Virgin now. we really wanted to have a litter off her but she was simply not interested.
She used to hump her bed and chew at it ( quite embarrassing when we had visitors) I put it down to sexual frustration, but it stopped when I bought her a lovely bed from Tuffies, a really big one. Expensive but in the long run it’s been cheap as she just loves sleeping in it. She doesn’t hump her bed now, just enjoys sleeping in it and only chews her toys and deer bone’s.
Kindest regards, Olaf