eBay "Pardon our interruption" Link

Does eveyone see the above eBay link as "Pardon our Interruption' ?
It's eBay I think. It thinks SD is a 'bot'.

It's eBay I think. It thinks SD is a 'bot'.

I think it's xenForo, doesn't seem to do it on PW (for example)

I think it's xenForo, doesn't seem to do it on PW (for example)

eBay thinks SD is a 'bot' because of the rate of things put on our site.
It's a bit of a bodge, but I have found if you edit it after it has been added and set unfurl to 'false' it won't use that horrid title...

[URL unfurl="false"]https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196812778222[/URL]



[URL='https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196812778222']eBay Link[/URL]

eBay Link

Annoyingly there’s no way to display it automatically at the moment, unless you change all the links on the site to unfurl=false which isn’t on either.