Gun and stalking insurance?


Active Member
Thought this would be the best place to ask, I need to get all my guns insured both rifle and shotguns, can anyone recommend a good broker, also need to get stalking insurance, I have country side alliance at the moment but don't think they cover too much!
​ Many thanks!

All my rifles, scopes and such like is specified items covered by my home insurance, I think this was approc £40 extra and worth it in my opinion.
home insurance is the place to add this stuff......listing bins, rifles & scopes separately to keep the upper values of items down may be useful. ATB
All my rifles, shotguns and optics are under my household insurance.

Re stalking I have found SACS the best for my needs.
Bluefin for guns accessorys and clothing ,accidental damage ,theft even for the clothing and foot ware ie rip yr best harkila coat replaced £50'excess .
02380 339662
gun sure shotgun and firearms insurance policy
insurer is gun sure (sterling)
i pay £183 for 10 k of guns ,scopes ,mods and binos and clothing


Ngo for stalking insurance
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iam with the privilige ins all my guns /scopes and s/gs are of new for old in and out of uk as part of household ins don't no on the stalking ins try guns on pegs !!