Fallow Buck
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
I just got a call from Griff this mng, and it seems that we have a couple of spots getting hit by the roe and red hinds.
I'm looking to put some teams out through Feb to get some females of both species, (mainly Roe), in order to reduce numbers a bit more.
I'm looking at 2-4 people at £100/day +VAT to include two outings. No trophy fees or shot fees will be charged.
You will be given a beat and put out for each outing, and you will keep in contact with Griff to meet at the end of the outing at a pre arranged location. He is also available to guide if you have less experience.
Griff will post more info here about how he wants to run the days, but if you are interested in joining us in Feb, then email me at Kiri@AthinaSporting.com
Some help will be available for extraction with a quad for the reds, and most areas for the Roe can be managed by dragging to a nearby track or road.
I will also extend the same deal on an accompanied basis for two people to get up on the hill and shoot some goats. No trophy fees on the cull stuff, but £250 +VAT on the big billies
I just got a call from Griff this mng, and it seems that we have a couple of spots getting hit by the roe and red hinds.
I'm looking to put some teams out through Feb to get some females of both species, (mainly Roe), in order to reduce numbers a bit more.
I'm looking at 2-4 people at £100/day +VAT to include two outings. No trophy fees or shot fees will be charged.
You will be given a beat and put out for each outing, and you will keep in contact with Griff to meet at the end of the outing at a pre arranged location. He is also available to guide if you have less experience.
Griff will post more info here about how he wants to run the days, but if you are interested in joining us in Feb, then email me at Kiri@AthinaSporting.com
Some help will be available for extraction with a quad for the reds, and most areas for the Roe can be managed by dragging to a nearby track or road.
I will also extend the same deal on an accompanied basis for two people to get up on the hill and shoot some goats. No trophy fees on the cull stuff, but £250 +VAT on the big billies