just getting started before I'm too old


Active Member
Hiya everyone,
I can't even claim to be a newbie since I've not yet been granted my FAC, but I wait impatiently and hope to be qualified to dsc-1 standard by the summertime.
I held a shotgun certificate many moons ago but have only recently rekindled my interest in shooting since befriending my local farmer last summer and buying an air rifle to help with his rabbit infestation. He has since given me permission to use shot guns and rifles on his land to deal with foxes, roe deer and the squillions of geese that descend on his fields each winter. Knowing full well that deer stalking is a world away from my small game hunting experience, I aim to absorb as much information as my tiny brain can handle and that is how I found my way here. I now spend more time educating myself on the interweb than I do out on my shoot and have become infatuated to the point that I might just stick my head in the microwave if the chief constable decides that either my land or myself is unsuitable. I don't remember being this anxious since my wedding day over 30 years ago.
In the event of my success, I plan to stick around here and get to know some of you guys while asking some dumb newbie questions when I can't find answers on my own. In the event of a refusal, I promise to pop in and say goodbye to you all before I try to figure out what all the buttons on this damn microwave are for.
I applied for a .204, .243 and FAC air rifle as well as a shotgun cert. Was .243 a good choice to make for roe? I served in the army as a teenager so I have fired a few different calibres and recently joined my local centrefire club to gain and maintain a good standard of marksmanship.
I live on the coast in east Fife. Loads of great golf courses around here and some beautiful scenery. I'm 51 years old with 3 grown up kids who have all moved out at long last. And thank goodness for that.
Welcome gov,

at 51 you are a mere youth, you will find that there is a healthy over 60's club on here and I'm one of 'em :shock::shock:

Welcome Gov. I only took up deer stalking last year and am the same age as vizlamad. You'll find a lot of good people and support on this site. The .243 will be just fine - I'm really pleased with the way mine performs.

Welcome to the site, I too am one of the over 60's.
It may take us longer to get there, but we just enjoy the journey for longer, and not out of breath when we do get there.
Welcome Gov, from a callow youth of 50, at least for another 3 months. My kids are still at home, must have been a late starter.

If you do the DSC1, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I was fortunate to be taken out stalking by some people I know before I made my mind up to start stalking. Everything else has now taken a back seat, I have got the stalking bug badly. The next thing you know you will be reloading too ;)

The .243 is probably the most common calibre in rifle cabinets all over the UK, you will have no problem sourcing ammo. It is not everyones cup of tea, including me, but don't let that put you off.

As you have shot before I shouldn't need to say this to you, but I'm going to anyway! Spend as much, or more on a good telescopic sight for your rifle, than you do on the rifle. It is a truism, and none the worse for being repeated.

Best of luck, ft
Thanks to you all for the warm welcome.

Vizslamad: I too play guitar (badly) and still own the telecaster I bought when I had all my own teeth and ambitions of super stardom.

jcampbellsmith: Thanks for the advice which I agree is a good idea and one I'll undoubtedly investigate, but I feel I should delay parting with my scant resources until I hear what the chief constable has to say.

flytie: I totally agree with that piece of advice. I spent around a grand when buying my air rifle and accessories and was prepared to pay several hundred more for a good scope at the time. However, I was persuaded by the nice man in the shop that I would be wasting my money if I spent more than £100. So, I took his advice and have been quite disappointed since comparing my scope with a friend's which cost considerably more. I guess you get what you pay for and I've learned not to take advice from shopkeepers who seem more interested in what they can sell rather than what the customer really needs. I won't repeat that mistake.


For what it's worth, my scopes cost more than my rifles. With my ageing eyes I need all the help I can get. I can't now see past Swarovski.
Welcome Gov from yet another 60+. Still with teeth and the Tele and two Fender and one Gibson bass I still occasionally play. .243 is a sound calibre. I'm sure you will enjoy your Level 1 Course. Lots to learn, even for those who have been stalking for a long time.
cheers schwarzwild, I always wanted a gibson but it looks like I'll never own one now coz I'd never make it past the gun shop with that kinda money in my pocket. I was at the range today and one of the guys was suggesting .223 woulda been a better choice than .243. I'm becoming uncertain so I think I'll start a thread and see what kind of advice I get from the guys here, if any.
There is nothing wrong with the .223 calibre. However, that is only roe deer legal in Scotland and for Muntjac and Chinese Water Deer in England. A .243 with a 100gn bullet is deer legal for all deer species in Scotland and England.

The Gibson is an EB1 made in 1971. I did try to get Gibson to tell me who first registered the warranty but they politely refused and would only confirm its authenticity. It plays well with a very rich bass sound.
Seems to be a lot of guys on this site who play a musical instrument. Perhaps we could get together a few Stalking Directory bands. I would be up for it depending on location. Name for band The Wilson Prickets!
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Welcome Gov from a fellow newboy, certainly enjoyed the site so far and been made to feel very welcome.

Like you a 243 boy but dont play any musical instruments perhaps i can sell the ice creams at the half time interval with the SD Band:lol:

At last i feel like a youngster again at a mear 41:)

Enjoy the site and goodluck with your DSC1 despite what some say you do learn an awful lot.

Cheers and straight shooting.

bjs... I'm loving the site. I just wish I'd found it and joined the forum long ago.

viszlamad... I wouldn't be surprised if we have enough musicians who play such a wide variety of instruments that we could start our own orchestra. Someone should start a thread or a poll to discover what depth of musical talent lurks within our ranks. Not me though, coz it's got bugger all to do with hunting and I don't want to be flamed for posting stupid newbie threads.

schwarzwild.... it's a les paul I dream about. The guitar, I mean..... not the old codger it's named after. (just thought I'd clarify that for those unfamiliar with guitars)