Further explanation to help and to clarify the confusion.
Each Level 2 portfolio has 4 elements - 1) Stalk deer 2) Cull deer 3) Perpare and inspect deer 4) Transport and store deer
Each element can be done at different times and witnessed by different AW's they do not have to be all done on one outing, for eg. If a candidate stalked a deer right up to the point of shooting it and then it moved off the shot could not be taken
element 1 can certainly be filled in and PC 1.1 to 1.6 signed, Element two in this situation cannot and will have to be done at a different time. The same applies for each element of the portfolio, if a deer is dispatched but the candiudates gralloch and prep work is not up to the standard required then each PC in element 2 can be signed but not elements 3 & 4 which will have to be done at another time.
This applies to a larder course, attendance alone can be used as past evidence but not for completeing elements 3 & 4 however, if during the course a member of the group were to carry out the whole gralloch, prep and transportation to the larder on one of the carcasses available, witnessed by an AW, and their work was up to the appropriate standard, then that can be used for element 3 & 4 despite the fact that they have not stalked or dispatched the deer. Element 1 & 2 would have to be done at a. separate time with an AW and the AW can be different people too
I Hope that helps everyone that may be interested, best regards.