For Sale: Rare Cowboy Calibre Brass & 7.62/308 Brass


Well-Known Member
Afternoon all,

I've made this whole new post as I realised that some of it was berdan primed after posting. Everything for sale in this listing is boxer primed not berdan.

Prices include postage to UK mainland.
Where numbers are approx. it'll be that number of cases or higher (just where I've lost the will to live counting them out!) Open to sensible offers!

Unless specified, all brass is used and will require the appropriate processing etc. Besides the 308/7.62 NATO (and anything labelled as new) all of this came from an estate sale, the brass all looks to be in good condition hence why I kept it this long. Please keep in mind some of this brass is a reasonable age so will benefit from being ran through a sizing die to get lips perfectly straight etc and a tumble to get it shining.

2)44 Mag, mixed brands (Norma, Speer, Remington-Peters etc), 37 cases: £13 posted

3) 38-40 WCF, 'Western' brand which looks to be Winchester. 26 cases, £13 posted

5) 7.62 NATO, approx. 170 cases, GGG branded. All once fired. £35 posted

6) 3 X misc ammo boxes (2 X MTM Caseguard P50 + 1 top sliding unlabelled one except for business name but looks the same as the others) £10 posted

If you want any of this please send me a PM!

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