Running Dogs


Well-Known Member
We have an occasional issues with running dogs in our area, and last night farmer was contacted to check some activity and found the attached image. (CWD doe still alive):mad: The handlers were not showing their presence.

He questioned if he would be within the law to shoot the dog.
Does anyone have experience of this situation?
Private farm track Taff, we are not that simple.

The issue is what to do? The police don't always appear, do you just let the dog free to roam as it wishes or for the handlers to come out of hiding and reclaim the dog?
I suspect I have seen this crew operating on a few farms locally, including the one I can see from where I type. I have trail cam footage of them following dogs on a quad (footage not clear enough to identify individuals, but audio is clear enough to recognise a very distinct accent) Its damn frustrating just to let the buggers get on with it.
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I have exactly the same issues. But our lot are bold as brass, do it in broad daylight and get aggressive when you approach them. Was threatened on Friday when I politely asked them to leave, something along the lines of "nice place you have there, would be a shame if something were to happen to it".

Police turned up to the call a few weeks ago and arrested 2 men and a dog. Their story was that they were just walking the dogs, not doing anything wrong and because there was no dead hare it was decided there was not enough evidence to take it any further. There were 8 of them, one of me and that ratio of witnesses doesn't stack up in court.

I suspect that if you had shot the dog there might have been repercussions. One farmer locally did that and woke up a few mornings later to find his 3 springers had been poisoned.

Don't know what the answer is. We have gated every entrance and put staked into the ground behind the hedges so they can't get vehicles on the ground. It has stopped the vehicles but they still park up and come in on foot. I think all you can do is keep calling the police and make it easier for them to go somewhere else.
Why the f&*k does,everyone want to kill the dog!.,??

It's not the frigging dog that's the problem's the scum that runs it .
It's only doing what comes to it naturally......
Same as any other dog .

Want to hit the dog with the motor? Seriously ?
Posted on an open forum yup clever .
I was told by an feo that they monitor if required online "profiles"

These pikey b@@t@@ds really need their come uppance.... I'm afraid if I was being threatened with my place being burned down, insinuation or not I wouldn't be letting it lie when cops said nowt they can do.....
Smart phone?
They all have a voice recorder on them switch on and leave,in a chest pocket .
Been covered on here already that some folk now wearing chest cams or cams on a hat or similar.

Is it not about time we stood up against these scum?

Why the f&*k does,everyone want to kill the dog!.,??

It's not the frigging dog that's the problem's the scum that runs it .
It's only doing what comes to it naturally......
Same as any other dog .

Want to hit the dog with the motor? Seriously ?
Posted on an open forum yup clever .
I was told by an feo that they monitor if required online "profiles"

These pikey b@@t@@ds really need their come uppance.... I'm afraid if I was being threatened with my place being burned down, insinuation or not I wouldn't be letting it lie when cops said nowt they can do.....
Smart phone?
They all have a voice recorder on them switch on and leave,in a chest pocket .
Been covered on here already that some folk now wearing chest cams or cams on a hat or similar.

Is it not about time we stood up against these scum?


When they knocked us over at Christmas (Barnes, nicked quad, trailer, strummers, chainsaw etc.) I caused so much trouble I had both the Chief Constable and the local MP come round to my place to try to placate me. I couldn't do much more.

Police have their hands tied to a certain extent by the CPS and the Courts. If they don't have what the CPS have decided is "sufficient evidence" they are not allowed to proceed, and unfortunately the days of the old bill going round to "have a chat" and give them a taste of what will happen if they carry on doing what they are doing are long gone with the PC brigade just waiting to have a go at the police for being heavy handed.

You just get palmed off with excuses about why they can't do anything "on this occasion". Trouble is there never seems to be an occasion when they can do something about it.
Also , I believe some beat cops are cut back so hard , be lucky if they can attend at all ,
I'm not anti police but I said before the police now in this country are just there basically to mop up after the fact .
Going to come to a point where some poor sod is going to take matters into their own hands as no one else including law of the land won't help them .
Then whose at fault ?.....

Also , I believe some beat cops are cut back so hard , be lucky if they can attend at all ,
I'm not anti police but I said before the police now in this country are just there basically to mop up after the fact .
Going to come to a point where some poor sod is going to take matters into their own hands as no one else including law of the land won't help them .
Then whose at fault ?.....


Agreed. The CC explained to me and the MP that if they are fully staffed, over the patch we are on, probably 250 sq miles and a population of 100,000, he has one Sargent and 3 Bobbys on duty. They can't do anything proactive, they just go from task to task moping up after the event as you say.
Why the f&*k I was oes,everyone want to kill the dog!.,??

It's not thegging dog that's the problem's the scum that runs it .
It's only doing what comes to it naturally......
Same as any other dog .

Want to hit the dog with the motor? Seriously ?
Posted on an open forum yup clever .
I was told by an feo that they monitor if required online "profiles"

These pikey b@@t@@ds really need their come uppance.... I'm afraid if I was being threatened with my place being burned down, insinuation or not I wouldn't be letting it lie when cops said nowt they can do.....
Smart phone?
They all have a voice recorder on them switch on and leave,in a chest pocket .
Been covered on here already that some folk now wearing chest cams or cams on a hat or similar.

Is it not about time we stood up against these scum?


Fantastic post Paul, exactly what I was thinking.

I know a few landowners who would likely take the dog and retaliate with force against the scumbags, its a crying shame that if they did they would be on the wrong side of the law.

Different I know but travellers (not the peaceful respectful type) set up an illegal camp unwittingly in a seriously rough area, made a nnuisance of themselves and tried to intimidate a few of the locals. I don't know if its true but I heard that a few local blokes took it upon themselves to persuade said travellers to move on, 3 days after arriving they disappeared overnight!
Private farm track Taff, we are not that simple.

The issue is what to do? The police don't always appear, do you just let the dog free to roam as it wishes or for the handlers to come out of hiding and reclaim the dog?
I suspect I have seen this crew operating on a few farms locally, including the one I can see from where I type. I have trail cam footage of them following dogs on a quad (footage not clear enough to identify individuals, but audio is clear enough to recognise a very distinct accent) Its damn frustrating just to let the buggers get on with it.

You're can't as said shoot the dog. It's not the dogs fault either so it would be better to take the dog to the local dog rescue center for re homing.
You're can't as said shoot the dog. It's not the dogs fault either so it would be better to take the dog to the local dog rescue center for re homing.

Then they'll just get another one. Trouble is like said the police can't do anything due to being understaffed in which the scum realise that. Taking advantage of it and eventhreat in folk.
It has been known pikies are swapping vehicles incase they get reported.
Someone I knew was having trouble with them on there land and weren't for moving. So he employed one of those security firms you see on building sites they were slung off and no further trouble. He has them now patrolling his premises at a cost but he says he can sleep at night. It's the only way with pikies.
Why the f&*k does,everyone want to kill the dog!.,??

It's not the frigging dog that's the problem's the scum that runs it .
It's only doing what comes to it naturally......
Same as any other dog .

Want to hit the dog with the motor? Seriously ?
Posted on an open forum yup clever .
I was told by an feo that they monitor if required online "profiles"

These pikey b@@t@@ds really need their come uppance.... I'm afraid if I was being threatened with my place being burned down, insinuation or not I wouldn't be letting it lie when cops said nowt they can do.....
Smart phone?
They all have a voice recorder on them switch on and leave,in a chest pocket .
Been covered on here already that some folk now wearing chest cams or cams on a hat or similar.

Is it not about time we stood up against these scum?


Whilst I have little doubt that the owners were around and lying low, the dog was running without control and doing what comes naturally. Part of the farm within .5k of the image is used as sheep grazing for parts of the year, with stock currently there (let to another farmer). If it were a ewe lying there would it change your opinion?
I personally don't think I could harm the dog, but then it isn't my livelihood or land/ property that is potentially being compromised.
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Knowing fine well what situation was and that these "people" we're nearby , no still wouldn't blame the dog , it's not the same as some,ignorant walker with an untrained mutt .
The dog I,would have bundled into motor and dumped at a pound or similar a distance away somewhere.

Whilst I have little doubt that the owners were around and lying low, the dog was running without control and doing what comes naturally. Part of the farm within .5k of the image is used as sheep grazing for parts of the year, with stock currently there (let to another farmer). If it were a ewe lying there would it change your opinion?

if it were a ewe lying there I'd do what the law allows.......