No. Only in November & December. But this isn't about how hard it is for the deer, is it? It's about how hard it is (mentally) for the stalkers. At least, that's the gist of the argument as far as I can see.
But really, the whole thing beggars belief. You don't have to spend much time perusing this site to see how much time shooters spend bemoaning burdensome legislation, and here we have an example of a proposed relaxation of legislation that would have allowed stalkers more freedom of choice in making their own decisions about what and when to cull, and what happens? They go scrabbling after that familiar comfort blanket of red tape. We saw the same reaction to the change in male seasons.
Everyone could stick to the old seasons if they wanted to, but at least the decision making process would be placed in the hands of those who are actually on the ground managing deer, on an individual basis, not the hands of those who sit in offices making rules!
Perhaps I should offer a free outing in late March on the fallow does to our Scottish members. Do you think I'd get any takers?