shot placement

Head/ neck 90%of the time as everyone wants a clean carcass, 2 game dealers even stopped taking body shot deer last season.
That’s just not cool, because it will induce non-great shots to try and take trick shots when they aren’t necessarily capable - resulting in injured deer. Poor form on the gamedealers, they should make deductions according to the condition of the carcass delivered if necessary, not make exclusions.
Right now after the vegetation has exploded? Whichever bit at the front end I can see.
That’s why the buck cull should in the majority be done in April and May. Not trying to get on my high horse here. Earlier in the season you can make better cull decisions because you have more body visibility as well. I try to cull areas with high vegetation early, and focus on low vegetation areas June/july/august - when possible
That’s why the buck cull should in the majority be done in April and May. Not trying to get on my high horse here. Earlier in the season you can make better cull decisions because you have more body visibility as well. I try to cull areas with high vegetation early, and focus on low vegetation areas June/july/august - when possible
Has it occurred to you that I might have been being flippant to make exactly that point… ?
My favourite shot is deer facing towards the right, but quartering away. Put bullet half way up behind the shoulder blade and it comes out just in front of offside shoulder. Minimal meat damage, but with a good hole right through heart, aorta, lungs and the nervous system.

If facing to left you risk hitting the rumen.

I only use copper bullets these days so no metal fragments.
That’s just not cool, because it will induce non-great shots to try and take trick shots when they aren’t necessarily capable - resulting in injured deer. Poor form on the gamedealers, they should make deductions according to the condition of the carcass delivered if necessary, not make exclusions.
I agree, I’ve been shooting deer for 30+ years, if I’m not confident I don’t take the shot, shooting 150/ 200 fallow a season doesn’t allow me the time to process and find outlets for them all .
That’s just not cool, because it will induce non-great shots to try and take trick shots when they aren’t necessarily capable - resulting in injured deer. Poor form on the gamedealers, they should make deductions according to the condition of the carcass delivered if necessary, not make exclusions.
Who wants to butcher a chest shot deer if you can get head shot. It's up to the stalker to decide if they can make the shot. Plenty of people can. If I was a butcher I would insist on head shot deer after all its their business. Too much hassle and waste with shoulder shot deer. That all impacts the businesses profitability.
Who wants to butcher a chest shot deer if you can get head shot. It's up to the stalker to decide if they can make the shot. Plenty of people can. If I was a butcher I would insist on head shot deer after all its their business. Too much hassle and waste with shoulder shot deer. That all impacts the businesses profitability.

Yep agree 100% on quality carcases, it’s the way it should be quality BUT not to detract from a H&L shot for a dead carcase
Some stalkers have very different skill levels and shouldn’t be persuaded to shoot above their individual skill level, some haven’t even got the luxury of a tracking hound when it goes tits up

Good sound shooting skill that shooter is easy with will produce decent carcases, if a GD doesn't like shoulder/ rib shot deer find someone who will, the carcase is priced accordingly for lost product that shouldn’t stand in the way putting deer in the food chain
Deer stalkers must work to their own skill set, or we put up with lost wounded deer ( dead deer don’t make the media headlines it a gone wrong head/ jaw shot that do) and our dear old friend ie badly shot deer, badly gralloched and stored = Joe Public has no liking to support and buy venison there we are again back to it ——— crap product crap prices and crap sales. Buckets of whingeing and moaning 🙄
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Yep agree 100% on quality carcases, it’s the way it should be quality BUT not to detract from a H&L shot for a dead carcase
Some stalkers have very different skill levels and shouldn’t be persuaded to shoot above their individual skill level, some haven’t even got the luxury of a tracking hound when it goes tits up

Good sound shooting skill that shooter is easy with will produce decent carcases, if a GD doesn't like shoulder/ rib shot deer find someone who will, the carcase is priced accordingly for lost product that shouldn’t stand in the way putting deer in the food chain
Deer stalkers must work to their own skill set, or we put up with lost wounded deer ( dead deer don’t make the media headlines it a gone wrong head/ jaw shot that do) and our dear old friend ie badly shot deer, badly gralloched and stored = Joe Public has no liking to support and buy venison there we are again back to it ——— crap product crap prices and crap sales. Buckets of whingeing and moaning 🙄
The point I was making was that people should not head/neck shoot deer if they aren't confident to do so just because a game dealer insist that's what they want. If you are only confident to h/l shoot and your game dealer won't take it then you have to deal with it yourself not go ahead and try a head/neck shot anyway.

The head/neck shot decision is down to the individual and should be based on confidence in a clean kill not what the game dealer wants.
The point I was making was that people should not head/neck shoot deer if they aren't confident to do so just because a game dealer insist that's what they want. If you are only confident to h/l shoot and your game dealer won't take it then you have to deal with it yourself not go ahead and try a head/neck shot anyway.

The head/neck shot decision is down to the individual and should be based on confidence in a clean kill not what the game dealer wants.

Yep 100% 👍
what is people's favorite shot placement and for what reason head neck or heart/body ?
It depends, as a rule:

Off sticks - under 80 yards neck or occasionally head if it's all that is available.

From a bipod on the hill hinds I try and neck or head shoot the first one as it gives you a better chance of follow up shot(s.)

Sticks over 80 yards and over 100 off a bipod: body but not heart. Since moving to non-lead homeloads a few years back I have moved the shot forward to 'pin' the shoulder or, at times where the neck meets the shoulder. I did so on the advice of @Selous as A. breaking bone is good and B. at over 3,000 fps the copper round can send shards through into the liver/rumen from a classic heart shot behind the shoulder. I have had no issue with this shot placement and it drops them on the spot 9 times out of 10.

In the rut only body for sika stags, the neck swells and muscles up so much it leads to issues..
If you've practiced shooting relatively small targets at range,which gives you confidence in both you and your rifle set up,then head and neck shots are ok. The thing is,you have to learn when to hold back because the wind is too unpredictable.
That’s just not cool, because it will induce non-great shots to try and take trick shots when they aren’t necessarily capable - resulting in injured deer. Poor form on the gamedealers, they should make deductions according to the condition of the carcass delivered if necessary, not make exclusions.

Exactly this
That’s just not cool, because it will induce non-great shots to try and take trick shots when they aren’t necessarily capable - resulting in injured deer. Poor form on the gamedealers, they should make deductions according to the condition of the carcass delivered if necessary, not make exclusions.

Exactly this
Thanks man 👌