Spots on wooden rifle stock


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

My wooden rifle stock got wet the other day and some white spots appeared where rain drops had hit it. I added some stock oil to it which got rid of the white spots, but now in certain lights the finish on the stock is uneven (see pictures). How do I resolve this?

I would (and this is my personal choice) use a burnishing cream that lightly takes back the original finish removing the water marks then refinish the area of the stock with whatever is your choice of original stock finish.
Use a stock oil that is based on linseed and/or tung oil. You didn‘t say what you are using, but I can say that stuff like Balsin or Schaftol is pretty useless.
Use a stock oil that is based on linseed and/or tung oil. You didn‘t say what you are using, but I can say that stuff like Balsin or Schaftol is pretty useless.
I’m using Napier gun stock finish which is Linseed based. Are you saying I should keep applying until the spots disappear?
It depends on how fussy you are. I would probably just put a few good coats of oil on it . But it would be best to first remove the tarnished spots with some very fine sand paper or steel wool and then rebuild the coating. In any case give the oil sufficient time to dry per layer which can 2 days to a week.
Not necessary at all and creating a lot of work for yourself. Perfectly possible to do the affected area and re oil, provided it’s the same oil as the rest of the stock is finished with.
Of course but I suspect that is just the first area of factory finish to succumb to moisture ingress or a negative reaction to a cleaning chemical.

Whatever works for the Op though as stripping a stock is indeed a lot of work.

I’d take the whole stock back lightly with 0000 pad (steel wool leave metal in the wood) then add a few more coats of a good stock oil. Then wax it a fair few coats avoid the chequering.
Top up wax as required and before wet days.