Time to try and fill the freezer

Not had much chance lately to get out stalking what with family and work commitments so as a result our freezer was looking very light on venison (plenty of pork and lamb).
Anyway I found I had a free evening on Wednesday so thought I had better get out and try for a fallow buck and to double my chances I decided to call a mate from here to see if he was keen for a look it didn't take him long to say yes, so we arranged to meet at 6pm and have a go.
When we met up I informed him where to go and told him my plan, I had said he would need to be careful as the farmer had been seeing deer near to the high seat that he was heading to. I got to my seat and settled in for the wait. Well I had only been there for 5mins when I heard a faint shot, Then the phone rang and I was told "your kids won't starve this summer " as he had shot a nice young picket, great I said and thanks very much.
So the pressure was off now. About half an hour later I had a doe and buck come out to my right which as a right hander wasn't going to be a comfortable shot so I thought I would wait and see if they fed out a bit more, five minutes later another buck came out and was really lame, when I looked with the binoculars I could see that it had lost half of a back leg so decision was made for me I took the shot and it dropped like a stone.
Although it wasn't a life threatening injury it had clearly been suffering as it was very lean. Should be able to salvage some of it even if it is only minced will still be used.WP_20170419_19_36_50_Pro.jpg