Try out the latest Night Vision devices in

Scott Country

Well-Known Member
Try out the latest Night Vision devices at the Deerstalking Fair.

We are exhibiting in 3 weeks time at the Deer Stalking Fair in Kelso and we will have our Night Vision demo tunnel at the show for you to try out the latest hand held and weapon mounted night vision.

We have a bespoke night vision tunnel which will offers complete darkness, as well as simulated moonlight, and will allow you to see the performance differences in the latest kit, albeit at a reduced range.

As we expect a huge demand to try kit, we will be offering this on a first come first served basis throughout the day.

You will be able to try new kit such as the Pulsar Recon 750 Handheld, the DFA75 front mounted, and the stunning new Yukon Photon night vision riflescope, as well as popular models such as Longbows, Archer, and Digisight N750 as well as a range of illuminators and accessories.

We will also have state of the art thermal imagers set up on display through plasma tv to show how the very latest tech works.

Our two night vision experts Paul and Cowan will be on hand throughout the day to demo any unit you require.

You can see a sample of what the tunnel looks like as it has been erected ready for livery to be applied this week.

See you at the show!

Best Regards

Scott Country Sales Team

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