Wanted: Big game Scandinavian contacts


Hello everyone. Being from Canada we get minimal exposure to any outfitters/ph in Scandinavia. And any brokers advertising Europe are aiming at the US market and pricing accordingly. $$$$

Has anyone got any direct contacts. I was thinking reindeer in Norway initially.

Thank you
Hi firebird, i dont have any experience of Norway but I have hunted in Finland and the raindeer there are semi domesticated not a very challanging hunt. However if you wanted a great experience of large game hunting you could look at Estonia. They have good numbers of Moose and Wild boar, a 2 day driven hunt with the local hunting club will not break the bank. I will p.m. you details later.
Hi firebird, i dont have any experience of Norway but I have hunted in Finland and the raindeer there are semi domesticated not a very challanging hunt. However if you wanted a great experience of large game hunting you could look at Estonia. They have good numbers of Moose and Wild boar, a 2 day driven hunt with the local hunting club will not break the bank. I will p.m. you details later.
Hi Tusker,
Would you mind sending me some details too please.
Like said, Finnish reindeer are considered domestic animals and it's against the law to hunt them (or terminate them using "hunting style methods").

AFAIK there were some German hunters, maybe late 1980s, that were "hunting" the reindeer for trophies. It was leaked to the press and as you could guess it was not received well. Hunting legislation got complete rewrite in 1992-1993.

I second Estonia, clubs there are much more oriented to have paying guests, than in Finland. There are good deals to have in Finland too, but you have to be more "in the know".
I hunted with a Matti Myllymaki (mm.hunting on Instagram) when he and I were both clients of SikaMalc in scotland.
Matti runs a lot of hunts in Finland and Estonia and I th8nk he has some Eastern European access as well.