binocular harness

  1. Best binocular harnes/accessories

    Hi everyone, I've a set of 12x50 vortex binos. I'm away to order/get a set of 10x42 vortex RF binos. I'm currently using the vortex glass pack that comes standard with them on the 12x50s and was wondering if there's anything more comfortable or keeps them closer to the chest? Plan is to keep...
  2. Sold: Spika bino harness

    As new magnetic closure , fits up to 10x42 type bins. £60 posted. .
  3. Binocular Harness

    Hi All, Looking for guidance on a good binocular harness for some Vortex binos? I have considered an ALPS harness: ALPS OutdoorZ RMEF Ridge Stalker X Harness: Sports & Outdoors) Any thoughts? Thanks Tom