
  1. Cracking Hereford stalking.

    I’m fairly new to stalking and joined this site at the start of the year. In the last few months I have been out 3 times with Herbert and never failed to see deer. His wealth of knowledge is second to none and his lands are full of deer. There were really impressive master bucks on his land and...
  2. Available: Roe Buck accompanied stalking - Devon

    Roe Buck accompanied stalking – Devon. Evening All. Thinking about your first Roe Buck or looking to get out in the beautiful summer evenings to maybe catch up with a good 6 pointer? For the next 4 months only I will be taking bookings for the Bucks here in Devon. Own rifle not required and...
  3. Another novice!

    Hi Everyone I live near Aylesbury, Bucks, and have recently taken to stalking. The original purpose was to find a field sport cheaper than game shooting, although I have quickly discovered that this won't be easy when starting almost from scratch! I have shot game since a boy and enjoy almost...
  4. Available: Strahanna Stalking/SW Scotland - Roe Buck offer this weekend!

    The stalking business I work for 'Strahanna Stalking' is having a special offer this weekend for 2 stalkers. The offer is: 3 outings - Full day on Saturday and stalk Sunday morning. Arrive Friday evening and leave Sunday midday. Full accommodation. NO TROPHY FEE £250 FOR EACH STALKER...
  5. Available: Strahanna Stalking/SW Scotland - Roe Buck offer this weekend!

    The stalking business I work for 'Strahanna Stalking' is having a special offer this weekend for 2 stalkers. The offer is: 3 outings - Full day on Saturday and stalk Sunday morning. Arrive Friday evening and leave Sunday midday. Full accommodation. NO TROPHY FEE £250 FOR EACH STALKER...