
  1. Re-Barrel a Merkel Helix

    So I have a Merkel Helux in .308 and I absolutely love it. Great fun but not the most accurate rifle I own, one sugggestion a gun smith had was to re barrel it with a competition barrel, So I wondered if anyone has had any experience of rebarrelling a Merkel barrel. My gunsmith seems to think...
  2. PRS (steel plate matches) Questions?

    Hi guys, my names Trez, I’m a co founder of Precsion Rifle Series U.K. Recently joined the Forums to help get people who want to learn more about steel plate matches in general not just PRS UK matches. I’m happy to talk through with anybody about any pre conceived barriers to entry, kit that...
  3. Soggy shooting in the tail of Storm Eunice

    Not deer stalking; a stage from a 22LR comp this weekend. Challenging conditions for shooter and targets! Check out the targets at 1min: I had a jam into the bargain, too!
  4. Image Competition - Win 20 Magnum Pigeon Shells!

    Hello all, We are running a competition until 28th October. Send us your image through facebook tagging us in your image or tag us in your twitter image Best of luck!
  5. Seeland Smock COMPETITION - Scott Country Catalogue Launch

    We have just launched our third Scott Country Catalogue, and are running a competition to win the new Seeland Eton Stalking Smock and goodie box with a load of accessories etc You can enter the competition by clicking this link, good luck! WIN a new Seeland Eton Stalking Smock and Goodie Bag...
  6. CLA Competition Heads up

    Hi all Just a heads up on the CLA Gamefair big competition which they are running as of today for the CLA event giving away a high spec Starlight Arrow High Sensitivity model worth £749.99 courtesy of Scott Country. Anyway just a heads up if you would like to enter...
  7. Win a new Ridgeline Monsoon Elite Smock - Scott Country Pre-CLA Competition

    Hello all Its Stalking Directory competition time again, this time to win a new and improved Ridgeline Monsoon Elite Smock. Now with the new RL Tex Pro highly breathable, completely waterproof fabric, the new Monsoon Elite is redesigned for 2014 and will now offer the breathability and...
  8. Scott Country Harkila Competition - Have you entered yet?

    Hello all The latest Scott Country/Stalking Directory competition closes soon, have you entered yet to win a top pair of Harkila Boots? Hi all Time for a new Scott Country / The Stalking Directory competition to win a pair of Harkila Pro Hunter Kevlar Boots worth £249.99 Please visit the...
  9. New Competition - Win a pair of top Harkila Boots.

    Hi all Time for a new Scott Country / The Stalking Directory competition to win a pair of Harkila Pro Hunter Kevlar Boots worth £249.99 Please visit the competition page here and enter below: ENTER THE SCOTT COUNTRY COMPETITION HERE Competition question can be answered by watching the...
  10. Stalking Directory Competition Winner of Ridgeline Roar II Jacket Announced!

    The winner of the Scott Country and The Stalking Directory Online Competition, and the recipient of a fantastic Ridgeline Roar II Jacket is......................................................... Congratulations to Forum User: Bob257 The winner was picked at random from a tweed hat by our UPS...