
  1. Wanted: Gloucestershire Stalking!

    Hi all! Looking for some recommendations for stalking and/or a syndicate in or around Gloucestershire. Thanks in advance!
  2. Available: Gloucestershire Roe doe and Muntjac Stalking

    We are taking bookings for this coming season for Roe doe and Muntjac stalking on our 5,000 acre Estate in Gloucestershire 2 Guides available. We prefer to walk, but high seats are available if preferred. £70 a session per person (usually 3 hours) Roe doe prices are: £50 per Roe Doe...
  3. Wanted: Syndicate place - Glos / Wilts borders

    Hi everyone, I was in a wonderful position, as a relative newcomer to stalking a friend had a couple of pieces of ground over which there were Muntjac, Roe and a large herd of Fallow to be found. Then, and without a 'by your leave' he decides to get a job at the other end of the country and...
  4. Wanted: Looking for deer stalking opportunities in Gloucestershire/Wiltshire

    hi guys, me and my son are looking for deer stalking outings for: cull roe, muntjack, fallow and /or red deer. i am not looking for big trophys but cull bucks and does. Who can offer us something? marc
  5. Newbie says Hi

    Hi. My names is Guy and I am originally from just outside Cardiff though now living amidst the deer and boar of the Forest of Dean. I picked up my 1st gun aged 9 and mainly used the 12 bore, But finally got my FAC through about a year ago and have been going after the local rabbits and...