
  1. Highseat - How Often?

    Hi All, Interested to hear your opinions on this one - in your experience how often can you shoot Fallow from the same highseat before they start to get wise to it? Once a week? Once a month? Fortnightly? How often do you all use the same highseat? TIA Tom
  2. HSF Highseat

    Hi All, I'm looking for a cheap and cheerful highseat. Has anyone got any experience of / opinions on these from Bushwear: https://www.bushwear.co.uk/hsf-summit-stalker-high-seat-s16923.html They are selling for £99 so seem worth a try? Thanks in advance. Tom
  3. Available: Northumberland roe stalking.

    Northumberland roe stalking Roe Buck stalking some dates available for 2015. £60 per outing plus £20 per shot. Stalks 3-4 hours. Cost is per person. AM and PM stalks available, some week nights during summer months. Stalking from high seats or on foot. Novices welcome, with full guidance...