
  1. First sport my wife and I can enjoy together.

    Hi Everyone Been Clay Pigeon since 2022 having started at a local club on weekends with my wife and I enjoying the sport from the very beginning. The club owner then suggested we might enjoy coming alone to the local gun club that he helped run. So this was back in 2023, initially attended...
  2. Sold: MARLIN 336 CLASSIC LA RIFLE 30-30 WIN 20.25 INCH IN STOCK £1495.00

  3. Sold: Marlin 1894 CB 44 Magnum - Octagonal Barrel

    Marlin 1894 Cowboy - 44 magnum, 20 inch octagonal barrel. MINT. There isn't a mark on this. Beautiful wood that has been oiled - see picture. You can see, this has better wood than most! 2018 model - internals tuned; nice a smooth. Once piece firing pin. £950 RFD transfer possible, or meet at...
  4. First Roe Doe of the season: 45-70

    First Roe doe of the season: Took the Cyber-punk 45-70 Marlin GSBL and grassed a tasty deer (and a fox for good measure.) First sight of the Roe (in the triangle of green, across the small valley.): Need to get closer: Stalked in to 75m: Watched this male while I waited for a chance...
  5. Cyber-punk boomstick

    Traditionalists, have a bucket handy... As much as I love my Marlin GSBL 1895 lever-action in 45-70Govt, I had an itch to scratch and EVERYTHING has to be tactical, right?! Before: During: Old forearm tenon: New forearm tenon (needed lapping to fit): After: M-Lok compatible...
  6. Mosinmush

    Hi There Been shooting for years stopped for a few years but started up again 4 years ago. Have a vast collection of various firearms. In here for info and looking for a Dr Bob's doubler for my night vision..
  7. 1895 Marlin 45-70Govt Boomstick

    Today I finally got to shoot my "new" 45-70 1895 Cowboy at more than 20yds! Still only 110yds but useful for setting a woodland hunting zero. I've fitted a 1-4 Vortex PST scope on a Williams Ace-in-the-hole combo-rail. I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy with 405gr SP loads: The...
  8. Made a leather stick cover for my Marlin 45-70

    Made a leather stock cover for my Marlin 45-70 My "new" Marlin 45-70 Cowboy was just crying out for a leather butt cover, so I made one last night and stained it today. My goals: 1. Raise the comb a little, to allow scope use but without compromising irons 2. Increase length of pull (the...