
  1. Medal class roe buck.

    It was the first warm sunny day of my German friends trip over towards the end of April. I had picked him up around 5pm and we had a quick drive around the shoot before deciding where to get out and stalk from. We passed down a narrow track and saw a group of Fallow led down out in the long...
  2. Mounting buck heads

    Have found this method of mounting heads very effective (and cheap), for when they're not being put in a permanent position. Washer + cable tie + wall hook.
  3. Got a Muntjac this morning... and maybe a medal?

    Went out early. Conditions perfect. Wandering along at first light towards what I hoped might prove a promising spot. Bumped a deer - which I didn't see but which I did hear jump in a bramble thicket. Set up my sticks, chambered a round. Gave three gentle squeaks using the Buttalo. Waited. Gave...