
  1. Good Afternoon, All. New member from NE England.

    Good afternoon everyone. I'm Paul (or Paj/Jonesy to most people who know me). Found the site watching some videos on YouTube around Deer Stalking whilst trying to find information about anything happening in the North East of England - where im based (Sunny Sunderland!). I started Deer...
  2. Wanted: Wild/feral goats Northumberland

    Who can i contact about stalking goats in Northumberland? Thanks
  3. Available: Northumberland roe stalking.

    Northumberland roe stalking Roe Buck stalking some dates available for 2015. £60 per outing plus £20 per shot. Stalks 3-4 hours. Cost is per person. AM and PM stalks available, some week nights during summer months. Stalking from high seats or on foot. Novices welcome, with full guidance...
  4. Available: Northumberland roe stalking.

    Roe doe stalking in North Northumberland around 1,000 acres of woodland over clear felled and replanted areas. Stalking available from high seats or guided stalking on foot, at £60 per AM or PM stalk. Carcase available to purchase if required. Badly shot deer charged at usual rate. No shot fee...
  5. Available: Northumberland roe stalking.

    Roe doe stalking, dates available through November and December, mostly Sundays at the moment, may have some dates available over xmas holidays. No bag limit, no shot fee for does. Am and Pm stalks available, 4 hours per outing. £60 per outing. Badly shot deer (damaged haunch or saddle) charged...
  6. 308 Roebuck Northumberland.

    Hi, just joined as a new member, I am based in North Northumberland and shoot, stalk or fish at every opportunity, and have been involved in fieldsports from a very young age. I also pick up at Northumberland Estates during the season, and have a good acreage of roe stalking and have been...