scotland stalking

  1. Wanted: Scotland stalking - Loch Lomond or close by

    Looking for a guide with stalking opportunities near Loch Lomond. Happy to drive an hour or so. Ideally larder facilities available. Not fussy on species.

    Good morning all, I'm hopeful that someone can point me in the right direction for a sika stag stalk in scotland. Or offer me one, Not after medal class beasts but a good representation of a sika stag/8 pointer, would ideally like to take the carcass home. *own rifle, fully insured, DSC1✔️...
  3. Wanted: Hind Stalking for four rifles in Scotland - Week 44 (2016)

    Week commencing 31st October 2016 Four experienced stalkers require one weeks shooting opportunity with accommodation in Scotland. Please PM me if you can assist! Thanks.
  4. Wanted: just turned 19 and desperate for a chance as an under/beat/trainee stalker/gamekeeper

    Hello all, my name is Stewart, I live in Angus county, Scotland at the present moment in time, I absolutely love stalking to bits, I have experience working on stalking estates, serving as a ghillie for 2 seasons and the main species being managed on those estates is red deer, I also have...
  5. new member ! and looking for a start as a stalker (desperate for a chance)

    Hello all, my name is Stewart, I live in Angus county, Scotland at the present moment in time, I absolutely love stalking to bits, have experience working on stalking estates, and the main task on those estates being red deer management, I have my Firearms and Shotgun Licence, i have a 22/250...
  6. Athina Sporting Takes On Garroch and Earlston Estates

    Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that as of 1st September Athina Sporting has taken on the deer management on the two above estates in D&G. We will be putting some management weekend trips together for Roe Does and Red Hinds/calves, along with the Red stags, roe bucks and feral goats...