scotland stalking


    Good morning all, I'm hopeful that someone can point me in the right direction for a sika stag stalk in scotland. Or offer me one, Not after medal class beasts but a good representation of a sika stag/8 pointer, would ideally like to take the carcass home. *own rifle, fully insured, DSC1✔️...
  2. Wanted: Hind Stalking for four rifles in Scotland - Week 44 (2016)

    Week commencing 31st October 2016 Four experienced stalkers require one weeks shooting opportunity with accommodation in Scotland. Please PM me if you can assist! Thanks.
  3. Wanted: just turned 19 and desperate for a chance as an under/beat/trainee stalker/gamekeeper

    Hello all, my name is Stewart, I live in Angus county, Scotland at the present moment in time, I absolutely love stalking to bits, I have experience working on stalking estates, serving as a ghillie for 2 seasons and the main species being managed on those estates is red deer, I also have...
  4. new member ! and looking for a start as a stalker (desperate for a chance)

    Hello all, my name is Stewart, I live in Angus county, Scotland at the present moment in time, I absolutely love stalking to bits, have experience working on stalking estates, and the main task on those estates being red deer management, I have my Firearms and Shotgun Licence, i have a 22/250...
  5. Athina Sporting Takes On Garroch and Earlston Estates

    Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that as of 1st September Athina Sporting has taken on the deer management on the two above estates in D&G. We will be putting some management weekend trips together for Roe Does and Red Hinds/calves, along with the Red stags, roe bucks and feral goats...